RAF and twinking with the new Veteran accounts


Anyone test any of this out yet? I mostly want the mount but not exactly sure how it works. Since I got a free 30 days, will I have to wait for that to run out, charge 30 days, wait for that, and charge another 30 days? Or can I buy two game cards (from the online store) and get the mount now?

Not sure if I'm wording that correctly.

edit: Can I remove this thread? I don't see an option. I think I figured it out though, I *should* be able to apply a 60 day time card to the account and then 7 days later (some anti-fraud thing) be eligible for the time-dependent rewards. I'm not sure if i'll have to wait for the free 30 days to run out first though.
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Here is how it works...

You get RAF and you get WoW 2 after you complete the recruitment...

No charge...

[MENTION=25453]dwaters11[/MENTION] hope this helps
[MENTION=10938]Broken[/MENTION] Do the thing!! But after he responds back... :)
right. right. but in order to get the mount you need to pay for time. upon googling it more if you apply a time card that counts as instantaneous but if you get a subscription it waits until it's actually billed (would be after my free month). then you wait the 7 days for their anti-fraud protection and you get your mount. i was just hoping to get it ASAP is all.

anyway, it's pretty funny how fast the leveling is playing 2 toons in heirlooms with RAF bonus xp.
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