EU+US Racials tier 20-29


Racials theorycraft LMFAOLMFAOFFOOFO BORSSss XD :) So we have a class/specs category but no racials category.

Ok i fukin cringe when i see retards say things like "emfh got nerfed" on here(and actually getting likes for it, lolwut??)

Post ur opinion XD XD :)

Top god emperor Tier
EMFH (fucking lifesaver)
Arcane Torrent

Top tier

Mid tier
Palm(ok hard to use in a clusterfuck bg maybe its shit tier but its kinda good for warr/rog)
Blood fury
escape artist

Shit tier but not quite there yet
worgen Flight

Dogshit tier
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You have to know how to use your racials and they are really situational. Silence isn't as good as warstomp in some situations.
Cannibalize is super nice when recently bandaged is up. You have to create a corpse to eat, but if you can't do that, wtf are you doing in pvp to begin with?
Wait, Gotn and darkflight are not shit lol. Gotn is so strong for healers and darkflight rogue is awesome for f2p rogues since they got no sprint
Have to factor in specs as well. Not as simple as you all make it out to be.

I am still undecided on whether I prefer my Tauren resto shaman when it is getting beat on by melee. It has extra health and stun that allows it to run away for help.
Or my goblin resto shaman that is getting beat on by melee that can heal faster that can rocket boost it's way out of trouble. Or even boost to render aid.
Or my dwarf with Stoneform and Might of the Mountain. 10% damage reduction on CD along with a blanket dispel is pretty damn good if you ask me. And it receives an extra 2% to critical strikes and to healing.

Racials can be situational at best.

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