race/class base stats


OK, so i finally finished the chart. I used google sheets to make it and published it to web. Here is the link.

In the sheet I bordered the alliance and horde races and highlighted the stats that give the most for each one per faction.

Here is a tl;dr from the chart.

-Highest STR: Dwarf +5(A)/Tauren +5(H)
-Highest AGI: N.Elf +4(A)/ Troll,B.Elf,Goblin +2(H)
-Highest INT: Gnome +3(A)/B.Elf,Goblin +3(H)
-Highest STA: Dwarf,Panda +1(A)/ Panda,Orc,Tauren +1(H)
-Highest SPI: Draenei,Panda +2(A)/ Undead +5(H)

-Paladins(40sta) have 5 more base stamina than any other class(35sta)
-Blood Elfs and Goblins have exact same stats so only difference is cosmetic and racials

all the stats should be accurate, I didn't have many horde chars to check but the ones I did seemed good.
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It would be nice to find out the base stats for each race and how different they are now with WoD. I'm too sleepy to login anytime soon, but this accounts for the Draenei OP perception: Heroic Presence

oh wow, forgot they changed that to give stats xD it gives+3 to all at lvl 20 and it accounts for the stats. so now that that's accounted for I have all the class base stats and all the alliance race stats, the chart was accurate with the alliance races so it should be for the horde ones too but if anyone wants to post horde info that'd help confirming this

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