Qutting F2P.

Good idea!

Go find a new skinner box imo.
isn't f2p wow supposed to be a skinner box suppressant?

No. Its exactly the same thing. The value of $15/x approaches zero as x goes to infinity, where x is time spent in the box.
Are you giving it away or selling it?
No. Its exactly the same thing. The value of $15/x approaches zero as x goes to infinity, where x is time spent in the box.

But I thought the purpose of it was to limit the pointlessness and promote the "game" features over the "perform mindless repetitive tasks" aspect?
Purpose of what exactly?

Are you pushing a lever for:
  • Pets
  • Honor
  • Titles
  • Achievements
  • BiS Gear
  • Transmog Gear
  • Honor Kills
  • Rare or exclusive items
  • Lucky Fishing Hat
  • Game Experiences

Is the quality of your experience impacted if you don't push the above levers? Do you play at a disadvantage if you don't keep up on farming mats?

How long does each item of a BiS gear set take?

As you gear a toon what is happening? Do you feel:

1. Autonomy, do you have a role is deciding how you spend your time in game?

2. Complexity, does gearing a character require some thought as to which items and how to get them?

3. Connection Between Effort and Reward, is your character more powerful or distinct because of your efforts?

Time is your real commodity, spend it as you will
Are you pushing a lever for:
  • Pets
  • Honor
  • Titles
  • Achievements
  • BiS Gear
  • Transmog Gear
  • Honor Kills
  • Rare or exclusive items
  • Lucky Fishing Hat
  • Game Experiences

Is the quality of your experience impacted if you don't push the above levers?

no because I made a hunter

please don't misunderstand, I totally agree that WoW is designed as a giant timesink and am against this. I just feel that F2P was appealing as a way to mitigate this.
no because I made a hunter


Actually, most of the ppl in this bracket only care about pwning noobs. That side of the fence is now one larger, hunter inc

Actually, most of the ppl in this bracket only care about pwning noobs. That side of the fence is now one larger, hunter inc

I barely enjoy this game when the matches are even, when either side is stomping I just fall asleep. I started making a mage but levelling was too boring.

what hamcake is trying to say is that f2p is awesome because you can make a more or less complete toon in 1-2 days and just pvp, worry-free

that's really the best thing it has going for it imo
what hamcake is trying to say is that f2p is awesome because you can make a more or less complete toon in 1-2 days and just pvp, worry-free

Unless you want the good stuff like the LFH lol. Gonna take me weeks and weeks to grind up the ideal gear for my druid.... but maybe I'm just picky.

IMO the best thing about it is that once my druid is done, (barring expac changes) he'll be done. I won't have to update him every time the season changes, I don't have to grind out points in 2s (gag) every week, I can play him 24/7 or not at all and how much use he gets will not effect the competitiveness of his gear in the slightest. For someone who doesn't know if they'll be able to log on next week or not, having no points cap to worry about is rather nice.
why would someone who plays in a FREE to play bracket pay for a FREE to play account?

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