Quit twinking

I was ressurected by a friend for 10 days and made an old twink better...

pwned some dudes in bg...

thought about twinking all day

then I realised that this is dumb.

I mean, why I work so hard to get a stupid epic ring for my sec twink?!

for some noob asking me in WG where did I get it?

To resist 5 more seconds agains 4 enemies atacking me?

And why play as a twink anyway?!

After you get a decent gear, or the best gear, you keep pwning the same noobs again and again...

this is not that fun

Wow is not fun at all

I think that people who play wow are first atracted because it s a good game for 2 weeks or somethin... but then , everything is repetative.

And the main thing is to kill somebody.

I ve played lot of games and I know most of the games are made to kill somebody but wow is dumb. I mean this is the only thing you have to do - pwn - kill and that s it.

And you get new gear to kill more or something.

Ok, red alert 2 is about killing too... but i think is more intreasting and complex than wow. At least, when you destroy something in ra2 it remains destroyed. In wow, everything is respwned!

So I don t feel so adictive to this dumb game anymore.:D and I will quit soon

also - devillzard is about to colapse - they just made wow to cost 5$ - the begining of the end.
You could claim you were quitting twinking if you were actually a twink. You rock a Lifestealing TLA and roll scrubs in the XP ON BGs. You were never a twink.
well this game is not about who is good or bad is about who has the best gear...

is not like mortal kombat were if you know fatlity you are the best

you just buy best gear enter bg pwn... that s all

you can be a dumb and you will pwn

thank this to blizz
RC-ST. said:
well this game is not about who is good or bad is about who has the best gear...

is not like mortal kombat were if you know fatlity you are the best

you just buy best gear enter bg pwn... that s all

you can be a dumb and you will pwn

thank this to blizz

A completely new player with the best gear would lose to a veteran with less gear.
Congratulations, you discovered something new!




RC...u may of not noticed but...YOUR THE ONLY ONE WITH A PROBLEM HERE. all the rest of us got funded where all the action is...
Bye RC-ST, I know we weren't really friends, but I enjoyed some of your posts.

Best wishes,


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