Queue's are Skipping Healers!


There is currently an issue going on in game that heals are getting skipped over in warsong gulch pugs that past week, I missed 3 games straight on my resto druid while i was in call with players getting back to back to back pops. Let's get this issue addressed to Blizzard, or if it was intended at least get a formal response!
There is currently an issue going on in game that heals are getting skipped over in warsong gulch pugs that past week, I missed 3 games straight on my resto druid while i was in call with players getting back to back to back pops. Let's get this issue addressed to Blizzard, or if it was intended at least get a formal response!

It's because the current queue system tries to make teams have the same number of healers. If it can't, then it'll grab whoever is in queue to get a game going.

My guild found this out the hard way when we tried to queue a 5 man with 4 healers (R Druid FC, R Druid healer, and 2 Discs). We gave up after missing 4-5 games in a row and ended up just solo queuing.
Wonder if it has anything to do with the game match making system seeking to find a proportion it will never find. Only tank spec playing right now is BM (no prot war, prot pally, or guardians queueing currently). That's got to throw a wrench into the gears.

Since we're running healing specs as FC, you actually want at least 3 healing specs per side per game. If the game is trying to get you 2 heals, 1 tank, and 3 dps, then it's going to see you having three healers, and prioritize other players over you. I think the real problem is the piss-poor state of tank spec damage mitigation.
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Just had a weird game. Was in dps queue on horde for 30 mins. Jumped over to ally on bm tank. Insta-pop. The game was going nowhere so everyone was afking. I noticed that every horde that afk'ed, got replaced by a healer. By the end they had 4 priests and a holy pally, when they only started out with 2. My guess is that those spots were getting filled by the healers that were getting skipped over by the match making system. So it looks like there were plenty of players to form games, just too many healers, jamming up the queues.
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Having the same problem, I usually get to play one game, sit next and then get in again. And repeat so hopefully reporting this will help out and get it fixed :D

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