Here's a new idea for TI.
The level 10-19 XP off bracket should have some sort of real time poll or player frequency modulator. Meaning that a twink gets on TI goes to the forum "Queue's" puts his Level, Class, and Faction along with the battleground he queued to. So others can see how many people are online and ready to fight.
Kinda like server status on other games, such as COD.
Now that was the general Idea. More finer details can be webbed into it for easier gui. Such as a page for every bracket, best time to play on, people reserved to log on at a specific time, guilds or parties challenging others.
You get what I'm saying.
Put up or Shut up.
The level 10-19 XP off bracket should have some sort of real time poll or player frequency modulator. Meaning that a twink gets on TI goes to the forum "Queue's" puts his Level, Class, and Faction along with the battleground he queued to. So others can see how many people are online and ready to fight.
Kinda like server status on other games, such as COD.
Now that was the general Idea. More finer details can be webbed into it for easier gui. Such as a page for every bracket, best time to play on, people reserved to log on at a specific time, guilds or parties challenging others.
You get what I'm saying.
Put up or Shut up.