Queue times


I started a 29 twink a few days ago on US horde, and I am averaging about 30 minutes per queue pop. Is that normal for this bracket? If I transfer to Alliance, will that improve? On my 19s and my 39 it usually takes about 5-8 minutes on Horde.
Depends on what you’re queing for. Only for mon-fri if your doing specific matches, while it’ll be shorter for queing on the random matches to get the sweet bg crates.

Sat-sun will be shorter que times due to more people active on those days. But again, depends on if you’re queing for random or specific matches.

But it’ll probably not improve que time if you go alliance ques, (unless you’re in a premaid match). They’re a lot longer, due to horde:alli ratio.

19s are usually the next bracket active on here, (you can look at the forum archives to confirm this) and 39s is probably due to asmongold is in there at the moment.
Queue solo into randoms as a healer times are 6-8 as horde and 4-6 as alliance for me. This is in the evenings.


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