questions from a new guy


hi there!

I recently got interested in twinking a character at lvl 60. but im pretty confused on how a couple of things work.

1. I have a lvl57 warlock on my main account which is a WOTLK account. Can i transfer that character to a newly made vanilla account?

2. I'm playing on EU servers, so i was wondering which server/guild is best for lvl60 PvE and PvP (i'm horde).

3. Can i link the new account to my current battlenet account, and then play both the new and main account at the same time?

I would really appreciate it if anyone can anwser these questions for me.

1. I have a lvl57 warlock on my main account which is a WOTLK account. Can i transfer that character to a newly made vanilla account?

No, you can not transfer the character to a vanilla account, both account must be the same expansion. You either have to make the 60 on the vanilla account or downgrade your WOTLK account.

Idk about #2.

3. Can i link the new account to my current battlenet account, and then play both the new and main account at the same time?

No, they dont need to be same expansion to be able to transfer a character from the account. You can still transfer character's from a classic account to a wotlk account. But you cant transfer the other way alround.
thanks for the quick reply's. Came up with something tho, i have a second WOTLK account which im not using. so can i make the warlock i have on my main account a imba twink and then transfer him to my second WOTLK account and then downgrade that account?
elocon said:
No, they dont need to be same expansion to be able to transfer a character from the account. You can still transfer character's from a classic account to a wotlk account. But you cant transfer the other way alround.

>.> well his question was can i go from LK to vanilla, and the answer is no, you cant.

wasnt aware you can go from vanilla to LK or vanilla to BC or BC to LK....but ill trust elo

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