Questions before coming back

Hello everyone,

unluckily I leveled my twink before Cata out of 19 I want to make a new twink right now. I heard, that the german BG's are dead so I have a view questions:

1. What is the best EU-realm to make a twink (I prefer english)?

2. Is priest or warlock good playable? I remember that priest were very strong but wl was not really good playable during wrath.

3. What are the best specs to play them (priest as heal)?

4. Are there any BiS lists with new cataitems for this 2 classes?

5. is levelinggear still BiS (also the new Catalevelinggear)?

6. Is it better to make horde or ally (waitingtime)?

7. How is the win/loss ratio?
Hi there. If you check the front page we have recently published a lovely mini guide for returning twinks, you might like to check there.

1) EU realm for 19 twinks is Draenor

2) Priests are verry strong atm. Their shield is incredibly strong as is their flash heal. Disc and Holy are both strong, but shadow is inferior to the other specs. If you want to bring the hurt go disc. Locks are pretty weak and squishy atm. The brackets are quite bursty, and as a dot class its quite hard for a lock to be effective

3) I would recommend Holy for healing and Disc for dps.

4) Here is the 19 Priest Guide. It was last updated 4.0.1, but it is mostly still accurate. Tattered Dreadmist Hood is now the BiS head slot and Anacondra's Robe is an alternative chest slot.

5) BoAs are generally BiS, but not necessarily

6 & 7) There is equal complaining on both sides of the fence :) Choose the side that you prefer.
Thanks for all the info. I recognised, that I have a taurenpriest on lvl 11, I think I will level him up.

Can you tell me what are the normal waitingtimes at the moment?

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