questioning my commitment to this bracket


hi every1

i am tossing up between this wonderful bracket and investing in an 85 for my comeback to this glorious game

please give me reasons why this bracket and 24s should be my path

killa beez
In my personal opinion, you'd get bored fast at level 24. Everything is faceroll easy for you as a 24. My suggestion would be to make a F2P or a P2P with F2P restricitions and join the Aerie Peak community. Of course these are only my opinions/suggestions. I'm sure someone will call me out and say I'm wrong.

Regardless, but of luck in your adventures in the 20-24 bracket.
The bracket is full of f2ps and 24s and it will never stop growing which is awesome. 24s are making guilds and looking for others to premade agenst and with so with that said it isn't hard to jump right in.
In my personal opinion, you'd get bored fast at level 24. Everything is faceroll easy for you as a 24. My suggestion would be to make a F2P or a P2P with F2P restricitions and join the Aerie Peak community. Of course these are only my opinions/suggestions. I'm sure someone will call me out and say I'm wrong.

Regardless, but of luck in your adventures in the 20-24 bracket.

Personally I agree with this. 20 is obviously much more of a challenge than 24. However f2p restrictions isn't necessary. I play with p2p enchants for BGs (simply because there is no pure "f2p" or 20 bracket). But I am also working on getting f2p restriction sets as well for my toons. I've twinked in most brackets, as well as played end game for all expansions, and 20 twinking is really the most fun I've had since BC. Do what you like, and don't limit yourself to one thing! You have 10 character slots per server, make a toon and lvl to 85, and work on your gear. When you get bored, take a break and play a twink.
I rarely play my 85's rarely anymore. I love this bracket.. I'm just debating setting foot in gnomer ever again. Though I need gear from there still.
Group with friends from real ID. Honestly it takes less than a Day to get 4 random people's real-ID from twinkinfo who are 24s. Then bumrush to the last boss(with the chance of meeting the rare spawn) by skipping mobs.

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