Question: Viabillity of 65 twinks due to stat scaling


I'm not too heavy into the fine tuning of the numbers, which is why I decided to pose the question to those who may already know. Level 65 was chosen due to it being the point when professions can be maxed to Wrath levels.

I'm fairly new to this bracket with a 60 twink Mage, and was considering the possibility of leveling to 69 to take full advantage of the remainder of the talent trees. As many have (it seems) in this bracket, I have leveled engineering up to take full advantage of it's many added bonuses. My question is the following:

Based on how the various stats scale, which would be potentially superior:

1. Level 65, full engineering trinkets for crit, outland socketable gear, gemmed appropriately.

2. Level 69, losing the potentially superior stats due to scaling, but gaining the top-tier talents.

My assumption would be that it is highly dependent on the class / talents you are going for, as well as what build you are using (stamina vs. crit). In my case (as a arcane / frost mage), it's the improved critical chance vs. Arcane Empowerment and Deep Freeze. (plus damage scaling with level)

I don't think you've thought this through very well.

Not only are you losing access to your 31 point talent, you are losing access to WotLK gear. Sure you might have a nice Helm, Decent trinkets, but these are the same items everyone else in the bracket has access to.

If you use heirlooms, Lv 68 provides an ENORMOUS stat boost as your BoAs shift from BC quality to WOTLK quality.

It seems like you're like an ex-10 twink or something, stat scaling between 65 and 69 is extremely negligible. There is also much more GOOD socketable gear available for 69 vs 65. Im pretty sure class doesnt even matter, there is such a huge gap between WOTLK gear and BC gear.
how much more gear is sockatable from OL to NR..iirc most of the northrend quests rewards dont have sockets, except the dungeon quests. but the BoA stats are definitely a lot better starting at 68. might as well just go 69 and hope you have a lot of people queing in your BG b/c you should beat up on 60s in wsg/ab and might be able to hold your own against 70s in av
No, northrend stuff doesn't have sockets. But there are many good socketable TBC items that would require higher level, e.g. shadow labs quest (and lots of crafted gear as well, e.g. fel leather or adamantite plate). Besides northrend blue quest rewards are awesome and for certain classes beat the socket gear (well maybe not so much if we get to use cata gems).
You won't get to use cata gems, they have a requirement that the piece of gear that they go in be a certain ilvl.


I agree with you; I haven't thought this out *very* well- I'm just aware of the basic idea, and came here to try to get a consensus from those who already have thought all this out to the final detail. :p

The scaling in heirloom stats was something I wasn't even thinking about- I have a full set on that server for the character in question; just haven't used them in so long, it wasn't even a thought. Definitely something I'm looking into now.


As Iroared said, WotLK offers no socketable gear. Being 69 over 65 gets you an additional 5 slots from BC gear (only one item of which makes sense to use). I was mistaken and thought these were available at 65, which gave me my original idea.

At level 60, you have access to 6 gem slots from cloth gear.

+4 at 61 from BC gloves and belt

+2 at 65 from BC boots

+2 at 66 from BC shoulders

+3 at 67 from BC helm

So at 65, you have access to 12 gem slots. At 69, it jumps to 17- however, the Snow Goggles are preferable to the cloth helm, even with the 3 slots it provides.

Looking into the BoA stats at 69 now...
Also, don't forget about armor mastery now. Using the cloth gem pants on my 60, I lose the 5% agi bonus for wearing all leather and even with epic wrath gems it's an AP downgrade from T2.5. Don't forget to factor in that part to your numbers.
Buynlarge said:


At level 60, you have access to 6 gem slots from cloth gear.

+4 at 61 from BC gloves and belt

+2 at 65 from BC boots

+2 at 66 from BC shoulders

+3 at 67 from BC helm

So at 65, you have access to 12 gem slots. At 69, it jumps to 17- however, the Snow Goggles are preferable to the cloth helm, even with the 3 slots it provides.

Looking into the BoA stats at 69 now...

You are forgetting that the engineering helms are available at 62 with 2 sockets, and you aren't counting the 2 rings that are available at 60.

60 cloth twinks have 8 sockets.
Could probably make a 65 twink viable with the right gear and stats. I think in most cases its going to be superior to be at 69 due to gaining top-tier talents however.

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