Question on Void elf racial


Recently got void elf and thinking of making a Priest twink with it.
Just wondering what classes do you guys suggest/have good experience with this race?
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I had a lot of fun with arcane mage void elf in legion with that move that let you go back to where you blinked from ( cant remember its name) another use for this move is in wsg. use the ability on the second floor, jump down grab flag and teleport back up. Lots of uses for there racial.
I think mage and priest are both great ideas, the void teleport shit is a great secondary disengage/interrupt (when you teleport behind them) , the shadowfrost damage proc is some additional 5% damage (usually about 2.5% of my total dps)
yea I made a mage, so will see how it is once the mage is fully twinked. But gonna be a while lol, thanks for all the info, good tips about wsg, same I was thinking.

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