Question about TBC holiday gear


Hey all, I noticed on wowhead the Horseman's Helm dropped with sockets in TBC classic. I started playing in Legion so if any prior players could answer my questions that would be great.

1) What was the last expansion and/or corresponding year that had socketed holiday gear?

2) Was it just the horseman's helm? if not, which holiday armor/weps had sockets?

3) If someone were to have kept their socket-able Horseman's Helm from original TBC, would it still have its sockets today?

even if nobody knows for sure I hope yall are having a great time!
Hey all, I noticed on wowhead the Horseman's Helm dropped with sockets in TBC classic. I started playing in Legion so if any prior players could answer my questions that would be great.

1) What was the last expansion and/or corresponding year that had socketed holiday gear?

2) Was it just the horseman's helm? if not, which holiday armor/weps had sockets?

3) If someone were to have kept their socket-able Horseman's Helm from original TBC, would it still have its sockets today?

even if nobody knows for sure I hope yall are having a great time!
from what i can remember from wrath was just the helm that had sockets rest was weapons and jewelery or trinkets ect that couldnt have sockets at the time (weapons could but the horseman one/ brewfest dagger never did get sockets)

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