qing 2s


Wonder if we need a thread of this sort to just let people know when people are qing to expect decent mmr arenas or whatever,

anyways qing 2s atm at ~2600 mmr

US @ nightfall btw
someone with the highest 2s in the world atm, and figured it would be useful to have a thread to let me and other people know if they are qing up arenas looking for any challenge or just play at a high mmr to be getting more than +0/1 points, somewhat of a similar purpose to some of the AJ battleground threads ( at least used to be similar purpose )
link ur toon?
betelshoe said:
you can't take lvl70 arena serious as long as people still are able to use Tazik Shocker :)

Yeah tazik is surely the only thing hurting 70 arenas and not horrific class imbas which are far worse
Rofl only a 89% win ratio running priest mage with tazic.. awww kid you make me laugh. And you were braggin about being top rated in the world haha.

see u soon ;)
yes, you are so good at 1150 raiting.

btw my partner frost dk is a frost mage irl at 85, and u no wut? he hates himself.
barely play arena.. more of a BG guy myself. if you look at history there is a total of 16 games played, 4 losses and those was vs a feral and a resto shaman... but thanks for telling me i'm good! fills my heart with happiness <3
So many shit trolls in this thread more like 97% win loss, i got this team at 1k from some random I dont give a fuck what any of you think, Ill gladly play against any double tazik team I want a fucking challenge. Love all these shitters talk like they are worth something but really they only twink at 70 beacuse they failed at 85 and are now failing at 70. LOL

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