pvp power or pvp resil for frost DK


i cant decide between gemming for pvp power or resil. ive tried both and they have their pros and cons but what would be considered "BIS"?
my DK
You have sun-lute and daelo's you have MORE then enough damage, gem PvP resilence to reduce damage taken

Heres how it is,

If i gem pvp power,
and you gem pvp resilence,

My pvp power effectively becomes worthless because ur reducing damage taken,

If you feel you dont need pvp resil, just gem pure strength
spec conversion and gem pvp power.

PvP power becomes less of value when the other player is stacking resilence (which counters it) its more efficient to stack strength (a base stat for a overall increase) OR resilence (depends if he feels he is dying alot)
the only problem i have with not having resil is its easy for people to burst through me. but at the same time i dont have those devastating 130k+ obliterate crits when i have resil
the only problem i have with not having resil is its easy for people to burst through me. but at the same time i dont have those devastating 130k+ obliterate crits when i have resil

Look it all depends on what you are doing,

If you feel you are dying easy, go full resilence
If you feel you need more bursty damage, go full strength (the only exception to that.. is going full pvp power when KNOWING your target isn't full resilence (which makes your pvp power worthless)
Look it all depends on what you are doing,

If you feel you are dying easy, go full resilence
If you feel you need more bursty damage, go full strength (the only exception to that.. is going full pvp power when KNOWING your target isn't full resilence (which makes your pvp power worthless)

how does resi make power worthless? its not like the two stats interract's in another way than str and resi does...
i am not shure for regular bg's if str is the best but for rbg's and rena power takes the cake cus its easy to get verry high %
how does resi make power worthless? its not like the two stats interract's in another way than str and resi does...
i am not shure for regular bg's if str is the best but for rbg's and rena power takes the cake cus its easy to get verry high %

PvP power increases damage done to other players
PvP Resilence reduces the damage taken by other players

If you decide to gem PvP power, and you get lets say "10%" more, that's 10% more damage done to other players,
if i decide to gem PvP resilence, And i get lets say "10%" more, that's 10% LESS damage im taking from you

So in reality you are not realistically getting a 10% damage increase to other players

the only time that you do, is when the other player isn't stacking full resil
PvP power increases damage done to other players
PvP Resilence reduces the damage taken by other players

If you decide to gem PvP power, and you get lets say "10%" more, that's 10% more damage done to other players,
if i decide to gem PvP resilence, And i get lets say "10%" more, that's 10% LESS damage im taking from you

So in reality you are not realistically getting a 10% damage increase to other players

the only time that you do, is when the other player isn't stacking full resil

as mentioned above, your "formula" works the exact same with str. and that is why your theory is wrong.
the reason pvp power is better is cus it is so easy to get at 85 compared to other brackets -30% being no problem to obtain- while still maintaining alot of other stats.
as mentioned above, your "formula" works the exact same with str. and that is why your theory is wrong.
the reason pvp power is better is cus it is so easy to get at 85 compared to other brackets -30% being no problem to obtain- while still maintaining alot of other stats.

And Thats exactly why you should just gem resilence, because of my formula, (Because most of the time you fight people stacking resilence) which then makes ur pvp power, a bit less then its actual value
Imo resilience is by far a better stat than pvp power. lets say one person has 25% pvp power and 55% resilience. Now another person have 5% pvp power and 70% resilience. on a standard 100 dmg attack person nr 1 will do 125*0.3= 37.5 dmg to person nr 2 due to his resilience. person nr 2 will do 105*0.45=47.25 dmg to person nr 1 due to his lack of high resilience. So even tho you appear to have higher dmg outcome, in reality the other persons resilience makes him hit you harder than you hit him :)
PvP power increases damage done to other players
PvP Resilence reduces the damage taken by other players

If you decide to gem PvP power, and you get lets say "10%" more, that's 10% more damage done to other players,
if i decide to gem PvP resilence, And i get lets say "10%" more, that's 10% LESS damage im taking from you

So in reality you are not realistically getting a 10% damage increase to other players

the only time that you do, is when the other player isn't stacking full resil

That logic.

Resillience doesn't work that way at all. 10% more resil does NOT give you "10% less damage taken"

If you have 40% resil, you're basicly receiving 60% of the opponents damage. If you add 10% resil, you're reducing damage by another 10/60th which is like 16% effective damage reduction.

If you had 60% resil and you added that SAME 10% resil, you would reduce your damage by 10/40th, which is an effective reduction of 25%.

In extreme cases, at 80% resil, adding 10% resil would HALF your remaining damage taken.

Damage output is fine at 85, stack resil, as dps or as a healer.

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