PvE challenge?


Hey all,

So we know that the PvP scene is currently a joke (hopefully 'currently'). But i'm always up for a challenge and after seeing a few of these guild/pve 70 threads i'm curious.

With how few 70s can you actually complete sunwell? I know there was a 10 man but that was before mop. Is there any guild trying to push this to the limit? For instance could you go down to 8 or even 5?
I am up for this but as I haven't even gotten to 70 yet, I am surely not the first one to choose!! x)
Hey all,

So we know that the PvP scene is currently a joke (hopefully 'currently'). But i'm always up for a challenge and after seeing a few of these guild/pve 70 threads i'm curious.

With how few 70s can you actually complete sunwell? I know there was a 10 man but that was before mop. Is there any guild trying to push this to the limit? For instance could you go down to 8 or even 5?

Quick question, you say "this bracket is a joke" yet i can see very clearly, your 2s team is, i can't tell if its shadow/prot or disc/prot either way, you say this bracket is a joke, but your ruining the bracket, ok i play shadow, but what ive only played with other nom offhealing classes, because thats the gayest shit in the world.
From what i remember the BTS 10 man certainly had no walk in the park, i believe they would have gone down to 9 if it was possible - but you never know whether or not you could find 9 better PvE players than those assembled at the time. No telling whether it would be easier with the MoP changes though.

Well see thats what i'm interested in mostly. How much easier would MoP have made things. I mean mana was reduced to a static amount but damage was increased by quite a lot on PvE targets if i recall correctly. Not that i do much PvE but when i hear about those 20k-30k Eviscerates on a target dummy for instance.
Also with the talent changes a lot of PvE abilities/talents have become available as soon as you pick the spec. You might miss out on some abilities but you get most of it upon choice of spec.

[MENTION=14922]Shearmonster[/MENTION] i won't even go into this, i cba having this thread derailed already.
Well, if you're going to organize a group I'd be happy to tank on my prot pala been abit bored lately and working on a BiS prot set
availible pm me on this website can play any spec as shaman all bis + a fully bis rogue
says the guy playing rogue throughout cata and SP + rsham in mop

ALl that restoshaman spriest i play. damn. i play that comp to much. wait, who are mistaking the blue class color of a mage for a shaman

not to mention, i played ele through cata, rogue has always been my piss around class, i'm awful at it :p
Post on the forums.. get the b-tag of every 70 you meet.. Make a of contacts and you will be able to.

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