EU Punks who leave BGs


I'm currently playing a WSG game they cap once it's 1-0 and 4 people instantly left
This bracket is stupid
I'm one of these punks. If nobody cares objectives and keeps farming around mindless I just leave.
I'm currently playing a WSG game they cap once it's 1-0 and 4 people instantly left
This bracket is stupid

Don't be such a die-hard, blizz-zombie! RBG's are what they are thanks to blizziod. Like many of us, we are not interested in being, "kill" doormats for horde premades. I for one do not play RBG's to die over and over. If the groups are that one sided, I too will leave. As far as I'm concerned blizziod is directly responsible for such one sided bg play for a number of reasons.
also, reward system. loser gets nothing. still, i don't leave.
1-0 is still essentially a tie my friends.
Surely some of you are bad ass enough at mashing buttons in lowbie BGs to cap a flag versus levelers.
One would think so as much as some of you guys like to boast.

If they're up 1-0 and there's 10 minutes left you can still make an effort to win. Because the 4 players left (all twinks) we were 6 left and nobody joined us for like 3 minutes
I rarely leave a bg if I see that the group is actually playing objectively. Once I see everyone is in mid attacking hunter’s pets and efc is walking past them I stop healing.
Today i had just enough time for one quick 19 wsg and so I chose to Q on my alli gnome surv hunter. Running low on time i decided to make myself a meal to eat while I wait for bg pop. Avg wait time was 4 min and to my surprise it popped at about 3 minutes into the Q. Unfortunately i was still making my meal so afk for the first few minutes. Returned to find my hunter dead and alliance down 0-1. Minimum of 4 bleedinghollow twinks on horde. As soon as i rez i get to work. Using my voc abilties i was able to create a situation where i could link with my team. Two horde rogues took turns on me but i killed em and capped. We won with last cap 1-1. Could have capped twice if i didn't step away from the keyboard so many times.

This is just one example of a typical bg where nobody knows how to FC, everyone is complaining of BH, and some players already had left when horde capped. Yep i win lot of bgs with less than 10 players. You wanna win? Focus on being the best you before you start pointing fingers or creating excuses.
Forgot to mention intention. Intention is key. Back in march of '17 i had the intention of setting records on boomy and dying wasn't part of my goal. I afkd when i would certainly die, BUT strictly in losing games. This way i left the bg feeling good knowing i would have had to give my life to still lose in the end. I did this to set myself apart from the top boomies of that time period. Never afkd in games if we had even the slightest chance. Nowadays i just want to win at any cost on any class or spec. Nothin left to prove to myself.

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