PTR mana cost changes


Alpha and Omega
It's been circulating in patch notes that the mana costs of most lower rank spells are being reduced. Can anyone on PTR confirm just how great the reductions are, if indeed they have been put in?
Athylle said:
It's been circulating in patch notes that the mana costs of most lower rank spells are being reduced. Can anyone on PTR confirm just how great the reductions are, if indeed they have been put in?

Here are the changes for a 39 Hunter


Arcane shot:75 mana

Concussive shot: 64 mana

Serpent sting: 139 mana

Multi shot: 139 mana

Viper sting: 86 mana

Frost trap: 21 mana

Freezing trap: 53 mana


Arcane shot: 53 mana

Concussive shot: 64 mana

Serpent sting: 96 mana

Multi shot: 96 mana

Viper sting: 86 mana

Frost trap: 21 mana

Freezing trap: 32 mana

Also with the stat change (unbuffed)


total HP-2723




Crit %-13.25%

Int- 121


total HP-2523





either way its a huge nerf to warriors
Arock said:
Does anyone know if the mana cost of healing spells has been reduced?

from the ptr notes

Spell Mana Costs: These costs have been reduced for almost all lower level spell ranks. In general, if a spell decreased in cost with a higher level rank in patch 3.2.0, that spell now has the decreased cost at all ranks. In addition, spells learned before level 20 with reduced cast times and/or durations have even further reduced mana costs, proportionate to their reduction in cast time or damage
I wonder if they're decreased so far as to re-enable downranking.

And yea Arock, I think most/all heals and damage spells are being reduced.
I am pretty sure I read something about the elimination of ranks from spells...

Having just one rank that scales as you level.

Thus making downranking impossible

(not sure on source of that)
dhans said:
I am pretty sure I read something about the elimination of ranks from spells...

Having just one rank that scales as you level.

Thus making downranking impossible

(not sure on source of that)

What you heard is that Cataclysm will bring one spell rank that upgrades with your level.
Im pretty excited for the no spell rank changes - hoping my multiple 450 proffs will scale to full again :)

a GM told me they would be usable again @39 months ago due to a fix blizzard was planning - hope this will work :)
Sockdolager said:
Im pretty excited for the no spell rank changes - hoping my multiple 450 proffs will scale to full again :)

a GM told me they would be usable again @39 months ago due to a fix blizzard was planning - hope this will work :)

I think that ship has sailed a long time ago my friend ;)
GM told me

I suppose there is a very slim outside chance that the GM might get lucky and guess right on something like that.

But I feel like it needs to be said every time somebody quotes a lolgm: GMs know nothing about what the game developers are working on or have planned. GMs dont control any of that sort of thing. GMs dont know anything about well..anything...they restore items (sometimes..usually they arent even smart enough to handle that) and upper level GMs can do a few other things. If it isnt in a blue post on the forums or in an official patch note somewhere...then its garbage and should be ignored.
well no shit @gms getting paid 7 dollars an hour and being clueless;

however they *do* have notice on issues that people contact them about often as well as a scripted response trickled down from Blizzard QA (that investigates and writes up defects that sometimes the GMs report); eg gms report change in functionality issue #34234 500 times, blizzard QA employee who writes defects to assign to developers for triage writes memo re: issue #34234; assigns to GM managers overseeing GMs. "Tell your guys we know about this and we have a plan in a future patch to provide a solution"

then the next time a GM gets paged about issue #34234, they query their bug management tool for a work around supplied by either developers or QA for (ie) " 'lifeblood'...'450'...'change'...'required level' " and issue #34234 pops up along with the attached memo from blizzard QA.

I think this should be pretty obvious, but I guess it isn't; take it a step further than "gms are dumb i know moar" :rolleyes:

frankly if frost bolt scales from level 1->85 I really see no reason why lifeblood will not scale 1-525 (or whatever the new rank will be); they are both "spells" and both have ranks on live. the notes on cat say "all spell ranks removed". frankly I find more evidence that 450 proffs will be supported again than not /shrug we shall see! in any case the argument both for and against this being the case is conjecture :eek:

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