So far the only classes that have been able to out dps second wind are pve geared ehnc sham and pve geared fire mage, and the fire mage kept globalling himself. >_>
I have a Warrior on Nobundo alliance. Been doing Heroics and shizz, and spent the extra JP on some heirlooms. I have a feeling MoP is gonna be a bad time for Warriors... .-.
warlocks have too many healing abilities -.- at times im managing to rank 3rd overall for healing while 7th in dps for wsg
i am clearly doing something wrong
forgot to mention i had a 20+minute duel vs a priest because i couldn't burst him down before he popped a shield, and disc priest dps is laughable. the priest decided to give up and he let me kill him then after i won he spammed me with loads of vulgar insults and challenged me on his rogue(lol) needless to say he wasn't a happy camper when i was done with him.
Since the Resil Buff you are hard pressed to kill a warrior once he catches his Second Wind. in a 1v1, and even a 2v1 He will be very hard pressed to die ever. /shrug
3-4 85's on broxigar
3-4 on anesterian( one, ym old main(dk, nerfed through the floor) made 1-8 DS( that is a achievement on the ptr), was a 600 person guild hordside, idk if its still going
BUT, i prefer pve at 85, to pvp(not opposed to either)