Prot warrior gear descision.


Ok so ive got 2 potential gear sets, im just trying to decide which one i want to roll with and if either one of them is worth putting together, ive more or less based these sets of the gear listed on the 29 warrior guide thats floating around somewhere below.

The one im leaning towards is this one

chardev 8 - Cataclysm Beta

This is my other alternative

chardev 8 - Cataclysm Beta

Any constructive criticism and feedback will be appreciated. :)
Might seem like an odd question but bearing mind prot is best for pvp dps and FCing atm, are you gearing for flag carrying or dpsing?

DPS wise, you'll obviously not be wanting max stam rings, and although deadmans hand is epic, its proc isnt reliable and therefore you could gain a lot more by using charged rings of bear or tiger.

I'd personally cap your hit and go max str as being prot generally gives you survivability through your CD's so the more dps related gear you can get the better off your going to be.

Where as for FCing, you'll be wanting to get as near to the hit cap as poss but also absolutly maxxing your armor and stam. Armor being rather essential, you might want to change your enchant on cloak to 70 armor instead of the dodge which wont help you as much.

Hope that helps in some way.


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