Prot Warrior Burst DMG?!

So you have a Prot Warrior; 400 AP, 20% crit chance (quite possible to achieve)

You also have 2 talent points in Incite (10% crit increase for HS) If you can afford 3, then it's 15% increase...

Add with this a Glyph of Revenge, then the following can happen for only 5 rage:

Revenge crit (20% chance) = 400ish

Heroic Strike crit (30% chance) = 250ish

considering you can pull off a block/dodge/parry every 5 sec pretty easily, this combo can be used over and over again. Also, add with this thunderclaps, rends, and white damage...

Prot Warriors to me seem to have a nice bag of tricks in the damage department! Even in the 20-29 bracket.

I know Im milking this for all it's worth and my head is most probably up in the clouds :p, but it's not impossible with the right speccing and gear, to achieve a burst of 850 dmg with a prot warrior...maybe even more!

PS. the weapon Im using in this case is Crescent of Forlorn Spirits (1.60 speed) <3
My 29 warr has over 20% chance to crit, but he's currently specced fury DW with mongoose on crescent. I have been thinking of respecc'ing him prot for the lulz to see if it would be a viable spec in this bracket, sounds interesting to say the least.
Reuben said:
So you have a Prot Warrior; 400 AP, 20% crit chance (quite possible to achieve)

You also have 2 talent points in Incite (10% crit increase for HS) If you can afford 3, then it's 15% increase...

Add with this a Glyph of Revenge, then the following can happen for only 5 rage:

Revenge crit (20% chance) = 400ish

Heroic Strike crit (30% chance) = 250ish

considering you can pull off a block/dodge/parry every 5 sec pretty easily, this combo can be used over and over again. Also, add with this thunderclaps, rends, and white damage...

Prot Warriors to me seem to have a nice bag of tricks in the damage department! Even in the 20-29 bracket.

I know Im milking this for all it's worth and my head is most probably up in the clouds :p, but it's not impossible with the right speccing and gear, to achieve a burst of 850 dmg with a prot warrior...maybe even more!

PS. the weapon Im using in this case is Crescent of Forlorn Spirits (1.60 speed) <3

Funny you should mention this, As I tried this on my war, had 398 ap If i recall correctly, without battle shout. And 22 something crit. And I even glyphed for rage free heroic strikes. It was honestly pretty damn fun. Was wreckin' rogues big time , But when it comes down to it, it's not viable in the long run.

Although I was never very good at my warrior honestly, Some pro warriors may find great success in it, And I never popped above 370 on the average leather wearer on the revenges. I would imagine this to be better at 39 where peircing howl and imp revenge are obtainable.

Just my two cents.
Samsom said:
im really interested by this tbh :O.

show me some Armory's or Chardev thingies ore something :D

I'll make my war prot specced in a bit, then you can armory it. [char=Azgalor]Valhalas[/char]

edit:Currently has no weps/shield on, Hang tight.
How do they go against casters?
I'd say fairly well because of being able to use shield bash and the stun effect on imp revenge. I haven't tested it though. You obviously won't be generating as much rage vs a caster but it would be amusing to play nonetheless.
Maerduk said:
I'd say fairly well because of being able to use shield bash and the stun effect on imp revenge. I haven't tested it though. You obviously won't be generating as much rage vs a caster but it would be amusing to play nonetheless.

I honestly am not super pro at my war, but honestly priests and warlocks raped me. even with shield bash their dots ate me. And don't get me started on frost mages, Can't close the gap at all.

Edit: didn't get around to putting my wars shoulder/weps on, will do that and spec today.
I just tried prot, when you have people like warriors on you, its fine. But as soon a a rogue disarms or a caster gets you, its useless. You have to have just the right amount of focus on you to make it viable. It's very hard to get people to focus a 'tank' also.
^ I bet prot is fun and powerful in its niche but in the end you need to be able to kill catsers and hunters. Only the burst from arms can achieve that imo.
I do just fine as fury vs caster and hunters, but I haven't played in awhile so dunno /shrug
Yeah, prot is pretty overpowered at 39, when stacking AP with a 2h wep (say, LoA) you're hitting (with concussive blow) 1.2k on mail, and 1.4k on everyone else, crits, and stunning them for 5 seconds! I tried it out, was obliterating people, but got bored and specced Overpower spam (this was some months ago) and I wouldn't change tbh.

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