Prot vs Holy - Flag Cariers Dilema


Now we are talking about level 24 twinked pvp flag carriers. Mostly in the frame of PuGs too .

With my prot I hate not being able to keep my teammates topped off but love the nasty beatings and counter EFC gank squad kills I can pull off. My only experience as holy was a bit of 20 F2P , how does holy perform at 24.

Which spec fully twinked has the best chance of pulling off successful win as FC for your team?

I know there are many factors preferences each side but would be nice to open discussion on it try get some input from Holy twinks (not come across many in the forums at 24) and Prots.

Thanks in advance !
Holy can fc but prot is just by far better in my opinion... keep in mind that prot can put on some holy gear and do some decent healing.
Prot is better all around. You have to remember that most of your opponents will be f2p 20s so you don't need the additional healing that holy provides and the mitigation given in the prot tree becomes even better against lower levels.
I'm a huge fan of having the reduced stun timer. When you run flags It's nice to have Hammer of Justice up when you get jumped by a 24 Rogue or Hunter. Also of the off chance I'm not actually carrying the flag, I can throw on my holy set for the extra mana and throw out some very good heals, espically with Divinity 3/3. Avengers Shield is also a huge help, If i decide to run head on to the EFC I can silence then stun his MH so the DPS can burn him down.

This is just my two cents, I havn't played holy much though. Just abit at 19.
Idk it all seems irrelevant to me, Resto shammy is just clearly the best =P

But at OP, Holy for pugs when most of the time you're relying on yourself, prot if you were gonna run a pally fc in your premade when you know you have confident healers.
I prefer prot for a few reasons, If my healer goes down and im fcing i have more to rely on lets say for example BB is on me and a 24 rogue opens on me i can Avenger Shield BB's soul-fire and HoJ the rogue. That stops all incoming preassure for that moment. As holy i could HoJ the rogue but BB is still able to free cast. Yes you can LoS but thats a whole different story and off topic of what im getting at.
I would say prot. If you're holy, usually the other healers on your team (if there are any) will think you don't need heals. So then you're sitting on the roof with maybe some dps. Then enemy team sends their rush and you only have your own heals to rely on. Plus, holy pallies don't put out much dps (as compared to priests). Plus, there is nothing that strikes fear into the enemy team like a 24 almost 3k health prot pally.
Great responses , so far members seem to prefer prot palas In most scenarios for Flag caries , most points covered , anyone here actually went holy for purposes of flag carrying would like to hear from their personal experience ?
If you're running pugs i would go holy because it honestly sucks to be stuck without any healers and you're still just as unkillable.

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