Problem with wpn



I have a question. I don't know which wpn will be better for f2p druid healer. I can't choose between Grand Staff of Jordan and The Blessed Hammer of Grace + Eerie Stable Lantern. Staff gives me hit (dnt need it), resil, 42 sp and 11 stam. 1hand + off hand gives me 7 stam, 4 int, 2 spirit, 42 sp and resil. Help me.
Since druid is in F2P , post it in the f2p forum next time, very first one, more ppl looking there, but to answer your question, i'd go with staff, more hit better. You'll need it for moonfire to land to keep rogues/druids from restealthing or landing roots on that Flag carrier or chasers of your Carrier to keep them from catching up. Nothing hurts more than missed spell at that time, believe me on that one. Added plus, when you get tired of playing resto, you'll have already lazer chicken weapon. Not to mention lot's of 24's lately and you'll miss more often on them

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