The Specialist
Hello everyone! I'd like to make a brief post explaining some changes coming in the new year in regards to the discussion of private servers. In the past we had a private server section here on Twinkinfo where people could discuss various aspects of private servers. That section didn't work out for a variety of reasons, however there is good news! We have decided to reinstate the private server section on a temporary trial, there will be some modifications and guidelines to prevent the section from going astray. This trial period will last for two weeks and at the end of the two weeks the staff will decide if the section should remain.
There are two important stickies in the private server section that you must read before posting, Guidelines for Posting and Moderator Approval. We will be requiring all new threads to have moderator approval for the time being until we appoint community leaders and feel the behavior is mature enough in that section. If the discussion in the private server section is productive and follows the guidelines set forth restrictions will be removed. Please be on your best behavior everyone. I wish you all a happy new year!
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There are two important stickies in the private server section that you must read before posting, Guidelines for Posting and Moderator Approval. We will be requiring all new threads to have moderator approval for the time being until we appoint community leaders and feel the behavior is mature enough in that section. If the discussion in the private server section is productive and follows the guidelines set forth restrictions will be removed. Please be on your best behavior everyone. I wish you all a happy new year!
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