Priest or Mage

Ok people. If you could be so kind and share with me some info on a priest/mage. I am looking for some thought on a priest/mage for this bracket. I have some very good gear for a caster in the bank right now and would to use it. Just don't know if I should roll a priest or mage. I am looking for pros and cons and some honest experience. Looking to pack a hell of a punch in dps. Thanks all.
I have already looked at the guides for a 39 here. Just looking for alittle more on how they far in pvp.
ok well for pure DPS mages are sick, and bring some good CC to the table too. but they have a pretty steep learning curve (i mean any1 can cast fireball....but you'll know the distinction between seeing a good mage that just stands there and gets obliterated and a pro mage who can always escape hah)

i would say priest. because disc rocks, and shadow is good too. or you can go holy and heal, but i think like 90% of holy priests i see are lolsmite spec'd and prefer disc to heal with
Retnux_sup_brah said:
Are you making a 39 or 49? I'm confused.

Sorry for the confusion. I would be making a 49. I was only stating reading the 39 guides to get an ideal. How is the survival rate of the two?
disc priest > mage by far. takes a very skilled mage to have a high survival rate and not just be anyother glasscannon or just glass. shadow has good survivability too since shadowform and bubbles and whatnot. i'd advocate rolling a priest, just cant go wrong imo
while i don't have a 49, i can safely say

a mage will have more diversity in its DPS using an assortment of instant cast CC/DPS as well as very solid CC capabilities and burst potential in its cast time spells.

a disc priest will have more control of battles by being able to heal, dot, CC, and whatever else a team needs. very versatile in terms of doing what the situation calls for. perhaps more survivability than a mage but i guess that depends on situation.

hope this helps...feel free to correct me and add more stuff
Warlocks > Mages for CC.

Since the threshold for fear to break is the same as it is at 80... =O
Mjolnir121 said:
Warlocks > Mages for CC.

Since the threshold for fear to break is the same as it is at 80... =O

1 shadowbolt?

mages get snare, root, and sheep to play with. plus counter spell!

but a skilled prist will survive longer than a skilled mage with shields, hots, etc. plus you can go shadow and melt faces, be a menace as disc or do some lolsmiting as holy. my vote is for a priest!
Mages and priests happen to be my 2 fav classes. Disc priests have great survivability, you'll be amazed at how many tough situations you live through. Mages don't really have good "survivability" but can escape almost any tangle. As some of the above posters said it does take a good amount of skill to play a mage well, you might find yourself hating playing a mage for a while as some players do.

Moral of the story is: If you want dps then roll a mage if you are a skilled player or a sp if you dont quite have the leetness.

If you want survivability roll a disc priest.
Brain is on overload. Can't decide. I quess I will have to make both then. :)
Well, I have no experience with twink priests, but I recently finished my 49 mage off. I have to say they have excellent burst, Fireball > Fireblast > Dead. However, surviving can be tough, especially against Rogues + Pallys. Against other classes, I usually have no troubles. It will also depend alot on which spec you are, Frost's chill effects/roots/Ice Barrier are really helpful for survivability. If you are Fire you have Blastwave/Blazing Speed/etc which are handy also. Mages are really great if you know how to play, but fail otherwise. It really depends on you style of play.

Mage = DPS

Priest = Survivability.

Apoligies if this wasn't helpful. :)
Priests, especially dual specced shadow/disc can definitely be a very dynamic class to play and one that you won't be bored with. It's a class that you can slowly continue to improve with until you become an absolute beast on the field that is very hard to kill.

Mages are great for burst damage, but they suffer against a lot of classes 1v1, and can be locked down fairly easily. They can also escape from sticky situations as well, but that also takes practice.

I would say mages have many more counters than priests, and both disc and shadow priests can put out decent DPS while keeping great survivability.

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