Priest Help


I have always wanted to make a Priest, right now he is level 20, and I was just courious if what 2 professions I should go.

The Priest is gonna be a healer.

And gear wise if somebody could link an armory, sorry if this has been posted, If it has I haven't found it :(
You don't want to make a priest at 29.

Don't make a priest at 29.

Priests are at a disadvantage at 29.

Move the priest to 39 or 49.

Unless you are spamming dispel don't twinkx a priest 29.
NickeQuick said:
You don't want to make a priest at 29.

Don't make a priest at 29.

Priests are at a disadvantage at 29.

Move the priest to 39 or 49.

Unless you are spamming dispel don't twinkx a priest 29.

That bad huh?
what's so bad about 29 priests?
Haven't played on my priest twink since around 3.0 or so, but priests have always been fine, i doubt much has changed in these past patches.

i never really min/maxed my priest, but she is well enough off ... search Zillá if you want a general idea of what to expect.
NickeQuick said:
You don't want to make a priest at 29.

Don't make a priest at 29.

Priests are at a disadvantage at 29.

Move the priest to 39 or 49.

Unless you are spamming dispel don't twinkx a priest 29.

Yea, the most important 29 healer is terrible.

Do you even play in this bracket? Who are your twinks?
At 29 priests can be great for solo work since they have fear cure disease and dispel magic, toss up your dots fear then nuke. Just use heals when you see some one low and be more of an offensive off healer.

Edit: Actually I just remembered I haven't played my friends 29 priest since 3.0.9 and I have no idea how they are now.
opposition priests give me (retpally) a hard time, usually by tag-teaming fears, SW:p and mind flays on me when in groups, and solo ones just take forever to wear down beyond bubble spam and heals. i'm in the process of rolling one at the moment
Sure I'd probably say healy/support shamans are better for the team than a priest but man priests are still good. Fear ward helps big time, and all the stuff they have that's useful in the 19 bracket is just as good in the 29 bracket.
hmm, shammies might be better next patch, but not atm. Priests have such a punch in their dmg besides their heals that they are most likely by far the most underestimated class in 29.

Currently I play one with great gear on 28, if you give me 1 corner there is noway a hunter can beat me. Only retri dins are somewhat hard for me atm, killing my mana pool mostly while they die slowly.

And that is only personal survivability. Healing multiple targets go's as easy as most druids have it. Single target burst prevention is insane as well with a shield grabbing roughly 400 dmg with ticking renews of around 125 and flash heals hitting for 400++ every 1.5 secs. Tough a priest might lack some sort of slow, the use of fear is equally as powerful.


totally forgot the questions of the OP. I am running with herbalisme and engineering currently. Tough I am heavily doubting my second profession.

Herbalisme is one you want for sure. Its a pure lifesaver, giving that extra bit of heal on yourself to survive a burst.

Engineering is something that I am considering to drop for skinning atm. The bombs are handy and such, and some of the trinkets might fit into a good rotation, but the overall constant benefit seems to be a bit to small for me compared to the possible effect that skinning could have. I tend to focus quite a lot on doing dmg atm, meaning a lot of holyfire, mindblast and some smite. all these spells can benefit from some extra crit. Besides that, flash heals, heals and the dispell glyph heal can all benefit from a bit as well.

I am open to sticking to engineering ofc. But for now I would say go skinning and herbinning
NickeQuick said:
You don't want to make a priest at 29.

Don't make a priest at 29.

Priests are at a disadvantage at 29.

Move the priest to 39 or 49.

Unless you are spamming dispel don't twinkx a priest 29.


Priests are very good in 29s-though much hit harder by leg patch removal than some of the other classes were. Priests can still solo quite a bit, but now they are a better support class. A priest/ret pally combo is insane, and a priest/hunter is almost as good. The key is to pair yourself with someone who can take a bit of a hit (in the chance you are cc-d and cant get to them right away) but you can also dish out substantial damage. You can keep a fairly well-geared player and yourself healed through most everything--until you run out of mana. So playing with a player or a small group who can wipe out the opposition is very important.

Really the issue is we lost a lot of sp and int, so mana regen is very key now. (since our spells are less efficent, and we have a smaller mana pool). Horde still have an advantage, since they have a bc-enchantable mace, which can be enchanted with spellsurge (if that is your preference) and aid in mana regen. The BoA gear has helped alliance catch up to horde somewhat in spellpower, but if you dont have access to it, the advantage to horde is substantial.

If you plan on soloing a lot, a shammy might be more viable, but I dont think anyone beats a priest in a pair or a small group

Check out my armory, I really think my gear has a pretty good balance--though, if i could do it again, I would make a human for the free trinket & bonus spirit & stealth detection

The World of Warcraft Armory
So defensive of the priests you are.

While reflective shields at 39 and 49 plays a major role in priest pvp the 29s still manage. Mana regen is a big problem because at 29 priests are so inefficient with their spells and weak mana pools. If you aren't shadow you won't be doing damage. Then again if you are disco or holy you shouldn't be going for KBs anyways. Most importantly make sure that you have somebody with you that can dish out a lot of damage. They will thank you after you dispel or ward the 100th fear that was cast on them.

Overall priests are great support, but for my personal taste disco can't solo well enough.
Thank you for all the comments [=

I am still open to any opinion, I heard <Glass Shooter FTl> was one of the best 29 twink guilds on Horde side so I Armory check and it seems like all their priest are haveing about 115-125SP and are all Disc.

Since I will only be premadeing with this Priest, I was going to try and stack as much SP as possible, I have access to as much BoA as I need if that is come in handy, but right now only BoA that seems useful for the priest is the shoulders or the Staff.

But I hope you guys keep posting [=

Eaz said:
I have access to as much BoA as I need if that is come in handy, but right now only BoA that seems useful for the priest is the shoulders or the Staff.


Actually, the BoA mace is better than the staff for priests ( I think I have the staff more for vanity than anything else) ESPECIALLY on the horde side--cause you can get the best off-hand for it. (I forget what it is called)

Almost all priests in a guild will be disc, because it offers the greatest utility to a group. If you are running with a guild they might not want you to be shadow (there are better damage classes) or holy (because disc is more mana efficient.

But if you really want to be shadow (and I dont recomend holy in 29s, but I have seen one good holy priest) you can--just probably not in a guild. But shadow is actually a bit more effective in pugs than disc is. If you remember how I said disc pairs well with a high-damage player? Well, as shadow you can compromise and do some of that damage yourself--while still putting out decent heals. It allows you to team with any decently geared non-twink of level 27+ in a pug--better than disc would.
NickeQuick said:
So defensive of the priests you are.

While reflective shields at 39 and 49 plays a major role in priest pvp the 29s still manage. Mana regen is a big problem because at 29 priests are so inefficient with their spells and weak mana pools. If you aren't shadow you won't be doing damage. Then again if you are disco or holy you shouldn't be going for KBs anyways. Most importantly make sure that you have somebody with you that can dish out a lot of damage. They will thank you after you dispel or ward the 100th fear that was cast on them.

Overall priests are great support, but for my personal taste disco can't solo well enough.

Rofl be more clueless.

Disc is the best kind of priest by far (might as well be the only kind of pries) Disc happens to have fantastic mana regen, which you pointed out was their weakpoint (lolwut)

Priests are the ONLY class in 29 with dispel, which alone makes them the most important healer there is. Priests could have nothing but fear, flash heal, renew, and dispel and they'd be the best. Fortunately they also have a ton more tools to work with which make them by far the best. You obviously have never used dispel to its max potential, it works on basically everything.

Idk if you've ever played in a premade (or an arena for that matter) but real games are often decided by the healer mana battle. I hear imp mana burn is terrible for that right?

18/2/0 all day long. Be sure to have multiple sets and you'll almost never run oom.
Eaz said:
I have always wanted to make a Priest, right now he is level 20, and I was just courious if what 2 professions I should go.

The Priest is gonna be a healer.

And gear wise if somebody could link an armory, sorry if this has been posted, If it has I haven't found it :(


that is my Disc/holy priest his gear is good as a healer, if you know how 2 play a priest this spec is really good on solo battles, you go oom very quickly however, it's very deadly! try this build, with the gear and tell me how u like it ;) hope it helps

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