Pricecheck - Shadowforge Bushmaster.


Was looking through some very old characters banks that i haven't played since early TBC.

Found one in the bank, it's level 38 so i guess it only drops off of the level 40 mobs in Uldaman now, any idea on the price?
The BoA gun is superior to Bushmaster:

29 DPS

Same speed

6 AP

5 crit

2 resi

and can take the same scopes as Bushmaster.

(checked on my abandoned 39 hunt)

Therefore lowering its price since it's not BiS anymore. I would pay a few hundreds max.
Rapt0R said:
The BoA gun is superior to Bushmaster:

29 DPS

Same speed

6 AP

5 crit

2 resi

and can take the same scopes as Bushmaster.

(checked on my abandoned 39 hunt)

Therefore lowering its price since it's not BiS anymore. I would pay a few hundreds max.

I'm pretty much it's still BiS.
Rapt0R said:
Why are you so sure?

Because the whole purpose of BoAs are to be good items, but never kill every single item. Look at it this way.

BoA Weapons (Thrash) are really good, but never as good as a shadowfang.

BoA Gun is good, but never as good as SBM

Thrash haven't got better top-end, DPS and stats than Shadowfang.

BoA gun got better top-end, DPS and stats than Bushmaster.

Go figure.
as much as i hate raptor, he's done nothing but point out valid points.

if somebody can put up screencaps of a lvl 39 BoA gun and bow, showing stats, and put that along side either a link to or another screen of the bushmaster showing it's stats then it will settle the argument.

BoA's arent meant to either replace or specifically NOT replace anything. they're weapons, and as weapons some are better than others.

Many people take a BAR over a PoD because of 1. the ease of obtaining one, 2. the stam, str, crit on the BAR out weigh the slight top end increase the PoD give.

anyway, post screens.
Well, The SFBM is slower I think, which means larger hits so.. Still goes for high since it gives the largest hits, like PoD.

Got one for sale on Al'akir btw :rolleyes:
SFBM is the same speed as the BoA gun, and the same dps. So all your left looking at is stats. 7 agility vs. 6 ap 5 crit and 2 resilance. BoA wins even if you're 5/5 lightning reflexes and have kings.

As for its value, its been extremely diminished in light of the BoA gun being better. 2k if you're lucky i would say.
It comes down to augments.

PoD is better than BAR because it can take a goose and much better sharpening stones. That on top of its slightly slower swing time makes it an ungodly weapon if you can get it. comparing the two is frankly laughable.

SFBM can probably take much better scopes than the BoA ranged items, so its topend damage and burst will be higher.

The thing about the price of these things is that BoA's are widely accessible, acceptable alternatives to the very best weapons, so you're not going to get as many people fighting over the privilege to buy actual BiS items. That being said, there will always be some perfectionist out there willing to shell out the cash to make the move, so set a price you think is reasonable based on what they've historicly gone for.
[item]Shadowforge Bushmaster[/item]


Compare, stfu.

I am not sure on mods for SFBM/BOAGUN

But i know i'd slightly want SFBM more anyway, 1 more ap. suck it.
BoA gun/bow benefits from any scopes if it's current wearer is enough lvl for it. For example, you can attach the 40 crit (or what it was) on the BoA gun on a level 80, then send it to l evel 1, and level 1 can equip it, but he won't benefit from the 40 crit. Send it to lvl 70+ (unsure), and the char will benefit from it.

5 crit is 0.6% crit at lvl 39. 7 agility is ~0.35% crit.

~0.25% crit against 1 AP. Crit wins.

Add in the 2 resilience (on BoA) that will reduce the chance to be crit and damage taken by 0.12% and damage of critical strikes of 0.26%. That's not useless, at least.

The weaps are pretty equal, but if you are going for perfection get the BoA, it's slightly better.

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