Price Check: 5stamina Wrangler's, Grunt's Shield of Blocking (perfect), AB

As a title says, I'd like to know about how much could I get for the following items on Draenor EU;

+5 stamina wrangler's bracers

Grunt's Shield of Blocking (perfect)

Assassin's Blade

Thanks in advance.

however much they want to pay. few hundo if you are lucky.

Wrangler's goes from 500-1k

Ab 1-3k

blocking shield 500g-1k depend.
People transfer for 5 stams. A lot. Thats like the shadowfang of 19s for FC druids, which is to say its the rarest "must have" item.
Well 5stams are a little less important to a FC drood than SF is to a rogue, but its still a "OMFGIMUSTHAZ!!" item, i recently shelled out 1k for them, and i might have considered xferring. Unless you need the money quickly from the wranglers, i'd value them easily at 1k. Same goes for blocking shield and 1-2.5k for AB depending on the server.

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