PREMADES (ally or horde 24s and 20s, P2P of course)


Hello everyone and happy Thursday to all! Playground Bullies on ER is looking for some premading fun (10v10, 5v5) in the next couple weeks! Alright so I'm no stickler for rules because I think the comps won't matter when it comes to facing us ;) However, rules, regardless; must be implemented. Firstly, 1 hunter, 1 rogue, I feel this is pertinent to the legitimacy of these premades, let's not be children, we all know anyone can play these classes because of there opness, so 1 of each is the max no exceptions. Other then that, max 2 druids, different specs, max 1 shadow priest, max 1 mage.

We hope through this thread we can attract the right guilds and groups that won't be big babies about losing or winning and also that we can find opponents who can promise to come prepared, I.e. You say it's at 9 EST on Friday July the "fill in date" that's when i expect to be able to que your team.

Any interest in some potentially thrilling premade's for both sides please message me on Ti or add my brag Doomchicken#1517

Ps. Let's get some more 24 premades going guys!

PPS. I'm happy to be representing the best alliance premade team moving forward as i know we shall be nothing but competition to all those who have already made a name for their team!
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The best ally premade team, Lolll. I've only seen you from your guild.... And you aren't that good... Lelelel
do you have a EU team aswell since you have US+EU as the tag?
The best ally premade team, Lolll. I've only seen you from your guild.... And you aren't that good... Lelelel

Sorry brah I don't believe in try hard all the time, I.e I don't normally go out of my way to try in pugs, so if you think I'm garbage well then clearly you don't know me or my play style at all?Thanks for your intelligent input though, really adding some positive light here to my thread. Thanks bud but take it somewhere else.
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I think it was a good attempt until the epeen. Best of luck with Premade.

No actual peen on my side, Sorry if this thread started off by coming off a bit douchie, Add me on Skype or in-game and I'd happily chat it out with anyone interested in premading, I say we're the best on ally US because I know we'd stand out to be actual competition to even the best players in the bracket still willing to premade. To reiterate, no epeen here, judge away TI! The maturity level on this site is a joke, really just looking for ACTUAL premades…. Holler if that's what we want here
Best way doom in all honesty is to just do it old school style. Announce on real id. Anyone up for 10 vs 10 tonight at 9pm central and just invite people n get it going n avoid twinkinfo to set anything up. No epeen . 10 on 10-15-15 AB is the best. Horde caps Lm n farm and ally caps stables n gold mine and everyone only fights for blacksmith for entire game.
What is with 24s and thinking they're god status.They play in possibly the most uncompetitive bracket in gaming as a whole. You'd get more credit from playing Yu gi oh. Yes, but in all seriousness you should try 19s, loads of premading applicants.
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What is with 24s and thinking they're god status.They play in possibly the most uncompetitive bracket in gaming as a whole. You'd get more credit from playing Yu gi oh. Yes, but in all seriousness you should try 19s, loads of premading applicants.

What is it with any twink bracket thinking they are good when majority never even stepped into a 90 arena or Rbg. I just don't see 15-19 or 20-24 as anything but trash. 24s smash 4-5 buttons - 19s smash 3-4 buttons. 19s can't even mount , plus they only play 1 battleground and don't even attempt to play AB where AB is seen as a challenge controlling and spinning flag and defending. Let's compare to 90s were it takes mere seconds to get a Premades/ Rated Rbg going vs 19s tourney its taken months to coordinate.

But hey 19s or 24s hey its wateva floats ur boat but acting like 19s isn't as trashy of a bracket or less trashy than 20-24s . A turd is a turd doesn't matter how much perfume u spray on a turd,

This is not an attack on any bracket, just a reply to , "Play what u want to play and let no one tell u different" , IMO nothing personal
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My point is why try to premade in a bracket based on farming low geard players instead play people that are geard/skilled at the game. If you think the average 24 skill level is anywhere near an average 19s skill level your high as shit bro.
My point is why try to premade in a bracket based on farming low geard players instead play people that are geard/skilled at the game. If you think the average 24 skill level is anywhere near an average 19s skill level your high as shit bro.

Compared to a Rated battleground where they put team that are closely to each other Rbg rating together same goes for a 90 Arena.

i will say this much 19s premades are far greater than 24s by a mile. by id say f2p premades > 19s pre made are far better due to restricts and lack of caster burst and f2ps only need few days to get an entire community to premade on arena or battlegrounds and no prize reward is needed other than pride.

but hey best of luck to OP of this thread and best of luck to 19s tourney. I hope both are successful. I have the highest respect for Pony Slaystation Just Fyi.
I can't be bothered to throw together a 19s team when you guys have had months to prepare… and I mean you can't even mount up so I also can't be bothered there. You guys can think what you want of both brackets but the potential is there, just need the numbers on at the same time maybe once a week or once every 2 weeks and we can get some REAL games going… Pretty simple, I also play 90… i take no pride in killing f2ps but i like honor and it's a big part of why i can even play in this bracket so if there apart of it, i really don't mind. I tend to get high and roll bgs for the fun of it 90% of the time, the other 10 is me trying to get a decent pre made together in a bracket that has the numbers. Cool 4-5 buttons 3-4, WHO g.a.f it really doesn't matter, i see it this way, you have less options to escape or survive with less buttons = harder to do sh*t sometimes… I'm not attracted to 19s at all. The future of twinking is 29s, look ahead boys; it's right in front of you. Accept the truth. lol...
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Hello everyone and happy Thursday to all! Playground Bullies on ER is looking for some premading fun (10v10, 5v5) in the next couple weeks! Alright so I'm no stickler for rules because I think the comps won't matter when it comes to facing us ;) However, rules, regardless; must be implemented. Firstly, 1 hunter, 1 rogue, I feel this is pertinent to the legitimacy of these premades, let's not be children, we all know anyone can play these classes because of there opness, so 1 of each is the max no exceptions. Other then that, max 2 druids, different specs, max 1 shadow priest, max 1 mage.

We hope through this thread we can attract the right guilds and groups that won't be big babies about losing or winning and also that we can find opponents who can promise to come prepared, I.e. You say it's at 9 EST on Friday July the "fill in date" that's when i expect to be able to que your team.

Any interest in some potentially thrilling premade's for both sides please message me on Ti or add my brag Doomchicken#1517

Ps. Let's get some more 24 premades going guys!

PPS. I'm happy to be representing the best alliance premade team moving forward as i know we shall be nothing but competition to all those who have already made a name for their team!

Hey Doom, my guildmates and I run regular 10 mans @24. And while I agree bout the hunter/rogue bit, we are not as strict with the other classes. Hit me up in game later on, we'll get something goin. Ppl are itchin for some competition.

Hey Doom, my guildmates and I run regular 10 mans @24. And while I agree bout the hunter/rogue bit, we are not as strict with the other classes. Hit me up in game later on, we'll get something goin. Ppl are itchin for some competition.


Sounds good ma dude, I added ur ID let's set something up, the potential for real games is indeed existent.

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