Pls point me to a 39 Paladin guide

I'm building a pally atm and have found a gear guide but being new to pallies lack the knowledge of the rest. I didnt see one in the guides section but there maybe ones the search didnt bring up.
theres a button at the top that says "guides"

edit - thought we had a pally guide on this site, guess not =/
I'm going to try ret for a start but i have a few bits of gear to suit holy aswell so i may try that spec out aswell. So any info on playstyles/class counters for both would be great.
Holy Guide:

step 1) spam Flash of Light

step 2) bubble

step 3) spam Flash of Light

step 4) profit

Ret Guide:

step 1) judge and auto-attack

step 2) uhhhh

step 3) uhhhh

step 4) profit
Adt said:
Holy Guide:

step 1) spam Flash of Light

step 2) bubble

step 3) spam Flash of Light

step 4) profit

Ret Guide:

step 1) judge and auto-attack

step 2) uhhhh

step 3) uhhhh

step 4) profit

Pretty much this, except holy pallies need to use HoF and Holy Light sometimes. Rets don't have much else to do than that xD
Adt said:
Holy Guide:

step 1) spam Flash of Light

step 2) bubble

step 3) spam Flash of Light

step 4) profit

Ret Guide:

step 1) judge and auto-attack

step 2) uhhhh

step 3) uhhhh

step 4) profit

Best guide evar! :D
Adt said:
Holy Guide:

step 1) spam Flash of Light

step 2) bubble

step 3) spam Flash of Light

step 4) profit

Ret Guide:

step 1) judge and auto-attack

step 2) uhhhh

step 3) uhhhh

step 4) profit

Adt said:
Holy Guide:

step 1) spam Flash of Light

step 2) bubble

step 3) spam Flash of Light

step 4) profit

Ret Guide:

step 1) judge and auto-attack

step 2) uhhhh

step 3) uhhhh

step 4) profit


Holy Guide:

step 1) Spam Flash of Light

step 2) Fake Cast

step 3) Fake Cast

step 4) Did he use kick / pummel / counterspell? If yes, go to step 6, if no step 5.

step 5) Fake Cast

step 6) Holy Light

step 7) Spam Flash of Light

step 8) Aura Mastery

step 9) If rogue is on you, while spamming Flash of Light, spin to avoid getting gouged

step 10) Spam Flash of Light

step 11) Hammer of Justice

step 12) Fake Cast

step 13) Fake Cast

step 14) Did he use kick / pummel / counterspell? If yes, go to step 16, if no step 15.

step 15) Fake Cast

step 16) Holy Light

step 17) Spam Flash of Light

step 18) Bubble

step 19) Spam Flash of Light, cast Hand of Reckoning to keep the rogue in combat

step 20) Repeat everything basically, using Purify and HoF when you see fit and aura swapping between ret aura and concentration while keeping Consecration down if fighting a rogue.

step 21) Profit.
Ikeelyoo said:

Holy Guide:

step 1) Spam Flash of Light

step 2) Fake Cast

step 3) Fake Cast

step 4) Did he use kick / pummel / counterspell? If yes, go to step 6, if no step 5.

step 5) Fake Cast

step 6) Holy Light

step 7) Spam Flash of Light

step 8) Aura Mastery

step 9) If rogue is on you, while spamming Flash of Light, spin to avoid getting gouged

step 10) Spam Flash of Light

step 11) Hammer of Justice

step 12) Fake Cast

step 13) Fake Cast

step 14) Did he use kick / pummel / counterspell? If yes, go to step 16, if no step 15.

step 15) Fake Cast

step 16) Holy Light

step 17) Spam Flash of Light

step 18) Bubble

step 19) Spam Flash of Light, cast Hand of Reckoning to keep the rogue in combat

step 20) Repeat everything basically, using Purify and HoF when you see fit and aura swapping between ret aura and concentration while keeping Consecration down if fighting a rogue.

step 21) Profit.


1. Spam Flash of Light

2. Observer situation, maybe HoF and Holy Light

3. Repeat

Note: If your partner can't peel off of you, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG
1) Roll female Blood Elf Paladin

2) RP randomly for gold

You just won the game, would you like to play again?
Boostz said:
1) Roll female Blood Elf Paladin

2) RP randomly for gold

You just won the game, would you like to play again?

nty srry man its k
Boostz said:
1) Roll female Blood Elf Paladin

2) RP randomly for gold

You just won the game, would you like to play again?

Btw Boostz , are you up for a couple of games on the other server ? Would love to duel you :p

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