Planning your twink (for noobs)


I've admired the twinks and the dedication to craft a good one! Well actually I didn't realize until I'd read ALOT about what was involved - something I wish more people would do to appreciate a twink!

Anyway, as I've been learning I keep finding out things that need to considered, and I don't want a walk thru, but anything I'm missing that is good to know - well that would be much appreciated!

Again a total noob to much of this, so enjoy the laughs and if you can't be constructive please don't bother with the insults, okay?

Planning on hunters and after have a baby priest. I know way to many hunters but I love that class, not like LOVE! I started WoW with shadow priest max leveled pre-Wrath, and haven't played since. Tried a hunter last year and just fell in love with the pet synergy (preWrath changes). I actually enjoyed the training aspect they nerfed, having to skill up your pet by learning the skills - oh well - it's easier now, and wish they could have given better talents to the variety of pet families - anyway that's a major digression!

I've always played PvP servers, but started on two PvE for the easier farming for mats/librams, etc. Working on two 19s orc/dwarf and a 39 dwarf at the moment. To confess I'm not sure I'll like the 10-19 bracket as there is such a huge gap from highly skilled to wtf am I doing in here, but giving it a shot anyway (and I know I'm not highly skilled - somewhere in the upper middle range!). When leveling I've always preferred the 39,49,59 more, so may end up there yet!

Anyway -

1. Got the gear lists down and working through those. Working the AH for BoEs, running mains thru instances, buying enchant scrolls, librams, etc. I can't get any BoA gear as I refuse to go to Northrend to grind thru just for that (I like my mains to much to do that). So, I might be cutting my throat there, but part of my joy with WoW is exploring, leveling, getting exalted, doing the old/boring quest lines, so I won't rush to endgame again ever!

2. Fishing for hat/boots - have the discovery done, working on fishing levels

3. Professions - apparently only to 150? other than FA??

have mains to cook, supply $, fetch 'n carry

4. Crafted food, rumsey rum, scrolls, elixirs (Magic dust ???)

5. Discovery (just found this out - big duh!) so running them around anywhere I think they need to go.

6. Going to try BM on one, MM on one - I've always leveled BM but testing MM on another hunter. Pets are selected (spider, hyena and wolf - not sure about the wolf though?)

7. In WSG as I hunter I've tended towards defense and I'm very into teamwork versus did I top the charts in damage or kills. Going oom can be an issue - so I'm leaning towards agi/int/sta in that order of preference.

8. AGM - honestly haven't tried this yet - lol! Servers USA (Wildhammer, Aerie Peak, Ysera - other options BWL and Laughing Skull).

9. I have a ui I'm happy with - not perfect but works. I've never tried outfitter as I haven't switched weapons/gear although I do see the need.

Question - getting the WSG neck/ring - do you start WSG before you're twinked to grind out the marks/honor or just get it once you've done enough bgs?

I like bgs alot - did one on a SP and a hunter with a fishing pole equipped and still did respectable damage LOL!

Okay - I'll stop the wall of text. What I'm curious/concerned about is what am I missing while I'm still in the developing stages? The duh's oh you need to go to x or why didn't you do y stuff.
Well, unless you post your gear list, we can't make suggestions on that, so I'm not quite sure what your asking for.

as for pets, I have no experience in 19 hunters really, but I always thought ravengers were decent. (stun?) I think i would switch out the wolf for something else but hyena and spider are definitely good choices.

for the warsong gear, I got the gear I needed first and then I just started teinking and bought the stuff when I had the honor. I wouldn't try and start building honor too low

(un-twinked) though cause the BG likely won't be much fun for you, and you will piss other people off.

last note: if you are just making a new twink, it might be fun to go after the explorer tittle/achievement. I think there is a guide in one of the recent threads
Alright firstly, no one going to flame ya ;) we are here to help ^.^

secondly, you tend to ramble a bit it seems, making your posts clear cut to the questions allows us to better under you, thus being able to make suggestions more easily >.>
Ziboo said:
1. Got the gear lists down and working through those.

make sure you get quest gear. try to start all of your quest gear at the level you can do them, for example...if a quest is available at level 14, start it at 14.

also, tranquillen's exalted cloak (horde only) is only available if you do a whole slew of quests, some starting at level 10 and others at level 17.

Question - getting the WSG neck/ring - do you start WSG before you're twinked to grind out the marks/honor or just get it once you've done enough bgs?
you need to discover the area where you get the pvp gear, preferrably before level 19. i usually get the pvp gear as i level, but it's perfectly fine to get this gear last.
Alright, I haven't read through all of these posts, but every time I see the word "hunter" I attempt to say something.

There's a famous famous quote on the Internet which goes as following "Arguing on the Internet is like running the the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded"

Same could be said about twinking hunters ...

I understand that this might be offensive to some people, but that's what I think. There are a few good hunters out there, respect to them, but still. Hunter is the only class that can be twinked without actually having any skill or even money. Scrub-hunters are the most annoying thing possible to encounter in a Wsg. They are scrubbed, but they still manage to be decent and yet so annoying.

I just realised that this is probably going to sound like a whine post, so I really have nothing to prevent people from thinking that. But! I also have guildmates who play hunters, they are decent people, they know how to play their class, but even they admit that in WSG (when it's not a premade) they are an overpowered class.

And no, don't tell me to rethink twinking. I am happy with everything - but everybody's got to whine about something everywhere, y'know! :D

The end.
Heh its funny to see these kinds of posts.

While I do agree any random noob can bring out 50% of the hunter class, it does a pro/master/skilled dude, w/e you wanna call it, to bring the hunter class out to 100%.

This can be said for any class, the sheer diffrence between 50/100% is truly a sight to behold, so I really don't think its fair to call most hunters or any class noobs.

On top of this..tis always the hunters getting the hate...Every bracket there are at least 3 classes that dominate...hunters just happen to be in the top 3 of every bracket.

True we all gotta whine some time ;) I can feel your pain on quite a few things heh.
6. Going to try BM on one, MM on one - I've always leveled BM but testing MM on another hunter. Pets are selected (spider, hyena and wolf - not sure about the wolf though?)

the best spec is to go 2/2 imp conc shot...3/5 lethal shots....3/3 careful aim....last two points go in either mortal shots, lethal shots or hawk eye (all these talents are in marks except hawk eye which is survival)

theres really no question about this...any other spec, especially BM, is just bad

7. In WSG as I hunter I've tended towards defense and I'm very into teamwork versus did I top the charts in damage or kills. Going oom can be an issue - so I'm leaning towards agi/int/sta in that order of preference.

since you'll be specing careful aim, you want your order to be int and then a balance of agi/stam...preferably you would also get a couple pieces of gear extra that can be swapped out...such as a nethercleft legs and a nethercobra pair

Question - getting the WSG neck/ring - do you start WSG before you're twinked to grind out the marks/honor or just get it once you've done enough bgs?

you can BG as u lvl....its boring tho

i generally get mine when i get bored of running instances and take a break at 17-18 (this is better because you have some gear so u still pwn)

it can also be fun to do no pvp at all until your done everything that is relatively easy to get (this way u "feel" the jump to being twinked the most...its cool to go from lvling with 500 hp to having 1400 and doing 5x the dmg)

i didnt bother to quote this but it seems like you are doing two things that i wouldnt recommend

1.) Playing a hunter for the pet: this is good in the 49 bracket when ur pet can stun ppl and you can enrage it....marks/survival is still prolly better since u cant get the 51 point one tho (theres a reason no1 went marks pre-bc)...anyway, pets are really unimportant at 19, the only thought they really get is "o shit i cant bandaide with this on me" and then they get killed at the beginning of the fight so they dont block bandaides....Bm is weak at 19 dont get any of the good talents in the first two tiers

2.) if im not wrong u said u had a main priest and a main hunter and ur making priest/hunter twinks also: i would caution against this mainly because skill at other brackets has NOTHING to do with 19 (besides obvious stuff like LoS) so ur not gaining anything by playing the same class...on the flip side, it can be a bad thing...most classes are COMPLETELY different at 19 than they are at say 39, so if u love a hunter at one bracket you might not at u said, u love the "pet synergy" and like i said...hunter pets arent very good at 19...imo u should be careful and possibly reconsider ur class choice as it can lead to disappointment

3.) as i was writing 2 i remembered that u said u were making two hunters....ummm why? then u just spend double the money/time or get two half twinks...just make one uber twink instead...
Thanks for the input and suggestions, constructive advice is always useful even when it may not be what you want to hear!

I know most people cringe at the thought of another hunter, so hesitated to mention it - but I've spent time learning to be a decent hunter, so for a first twink it was an obvious choice to me.

Sorry for the ramble - my point/question/concern was trying to cover all the 'necessary' steps to making a lvl 19 twink and are there any 'oh you should have done' things, (ex. discovery xp for fishing/gathering/pvp gear) that I or others might be missing.

As for the Explorer title - sounds interesting and the guide well . . . that's a bit much to get a title. I'm not willing to skate to close to getting banned for an achievement. I'd rather earn it straight up if you know what I mean.

Tetox -

I do understand the difference in level abilities. I do BG's now at different levels now. And as I stated I'm not goaling to be top in the BG - I don't need to ego strokes there. I want to be an asset, not hindrance to my team if that makes any sense. Personally in any bracket I do the inner cringe when for example a lvl 10 or 11 in white gear shows up, but as long as Bliz is allowing it, I will support that persons right to be there. I won't like it but will defend their rights. With the current situation with grandfathering, etc., being an uber twink for most is out of the question.

As for why 2 hunters - different servers/battlegroups/races.

For those that replied - again - much appreciated.
well for the exploring b4 19 i sugest u to explore few starting areas, stranglethorn vale arena and as much coast as u can (u can look in fishing guide 3 locations where is best to fish) i also sugest u explore a bit of every lvl area cos if they ungrandfather the profesions so u can get them without much exp. also explore all the instances so if some new item comes in patch u can get it without exploring.

go to the wsg battlemaster b4 u ding 19

for the quest i sugest u do all u can even the ones u dont realy need cos some patch can change the items and then u gona have 2 get them on 19

try to get drops also b4 19 but those arent a big problem cos u can get drop items without a single exp point

fishing contest gives u no exp when u turn in rare fish so it can be done on 19

agm quest gives 512exp only the first time u get it. u can get 10 more agms for no exp but no much use of it:D

i usualy get my agm on 19 cos 512 is not that much exp and i usualy need months to get it so no point keeping my twink at lvl 18 or lover

also if u are ally hunter dont forget to do

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