Pizza streaming WSG on dedicated queue nights (M/W/F)!


2014, 2015, & 2018 TC Champ
Pizza19Hunter Stream

I will bump this thread every night I am streaming on my 39 Boomkin. Occasionally you might catch me playing my 19 or 24 Boomkins as well.
Thanks for the stream!

Thanks for watching.

Streaming is a good way to show outsiders what the 39 games are like. It also gives current 39 players something to watch while they wait in queue between games.

Glad to see you're still at it. :)

Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find a thread about it. I was wondering why you afk out of games? Doesn't that force a 30 minute wait, or did they remove that?

I guess I just remember all the 19 guilds back in TBC that could field 10-man premades easily, but actually 10v10ed each other only twice a year because everyone was afraid of having a losing record. That aside, what happens when your group is 5 out of only 20 players queuing that evening? Does that mean you just force everyone to wait 30 minutes for beating you? I'm honestly surprised 30-39 is still getting games at all under those conditions. >.<
You're talking about 5 people out of a pool of 30-50 on any given game night. The biggest problem the afking creates is sticking people that have been waiting in que, into a game thats mostly over. Nobody's waiting on 'za's deserter buff to get into games lol.
You're talking about 5 people out of a pool of 30-50 on any given game night. The biggest problem the afking creates is sticking people that have been waiting in que, into a game thats mostly over. Nobody's waiting on 'za's deserter buff to get into games lol.

Well, that's good at least. I didn't think there were that many queuing, since even when they didn't afk out, it seemed like they had to wait a rather long time for a queue pop. Maybe that's because it's a group queue for them.

I'd still be concerned about the effect on the community of quitting early, but that's harder for most people to understand I suppose. Not as concrete or immediate of a problem. I guess it just seems like if getting games is the highest priority, getting a loss now and then is the least of one's concerns. I mean, it's not like people don't know when they've beaten somebody. And quitting as soon as you've decided you can't win seems to encourage... I suppose you might call it 2-dimensional thinking. The best games I ever played were where we went down 0-2 and ended up winning 3-2, often through a change of strategy.
Ya, blizzard's que system is still less than perfect. We've had games where there's a couple slots open on one side, a half dozen people individually qued, and the spots never end up getting filled. Other times, it seems to work fine, idk bugs. :\

The afking has and will continue to be addressed by the 39s community, but we literally cannot force anyone to not afk. If someone's been afking consistently since 2006, nothing we say will change their habits, all we can do is try to discourage others from picking up that nasty habit. You take the good with the bad, but overall I would have to say that Pizza being in 39s(again) has a net positive effect.
Well, that's good at least. I didn't think there were that many queuing, since even when they didn't afk out, it seemed like they had to wait a rather long time for a queue pop. Maybe that's because it's a group queue for them.

I'd still be concerned about the effect on the community of quitting early, but that's harder for most people to understand I suppose. Not as concrete or immediate of a problem. I guess it just seems like if getting games is the highest priority, getting a loss now and then is the least of one's concerns. I mean, it's not like people don't know when they've beaten somebody. And quitting as soon as you've decided you can't win seems to encourage... I suppose you might call it 2-dimensional thinking. The best games I ever played were where we went down 0-2 and ended up winning 3-2, often through a change of strategy.

At 39 the only games I have AFKed out of have been the last games before I log off for the night. When I do AFK out of these games it is almost always within the first couple of minutes. If the game is completely one-sided I'll call it a night to get more sleep. I have to get up at 7:00 every morning of the week for work.

Whatever I do is put under a microscope. People envy me for this and feel the need to try and belittle my success in any way they can. One way that is done is by pointing out all my flaws and mistakes, along with putting blame on me for things that aren't a result of my actions. It's something I have to deal with in every bracket. It comes with being the most famous, experienced, and successful twink to this day.

Pizza being in 39s(again) has a net positive effect.

I do have a positive effect on the bracket - and any bracket I play for that matter. It's nice hearing someone say that for once. Means a lot Shaket.

Good luck with your private server twinking project Jadyne. It's an excellent thing for old school twinks.
At 39 the only games I have AFKed out of have been the last games before I log off for the night. When I do AFK out of these games it is almost always within the first couple of minutes. If the game is completely one-sided I'll call it a night to get more sleep. I have to get up at 7:00 every morning of the week for work.

Whatever I do is put under a microscope. People envy me for this and feel the need to try and belittle my success in any way they can. One way that is done is by pointing out all my flaws and mistakes, along with putting blame on me for things that aren't a result of my actions. It's something I have to deal with in every bracket. It comes with being the most famous, experienced, and successful twink to this day.

I do have a positive effect on the bracket - and any bracket I play for that matter. It's nice hearing someone say that for once. Means a lot Shaket.

Good luck with your private server twinking project Jadyne. It's an excellent thing for old school twinks.
To go along with this, I have never personally seen Pizza afk at 39. Im sure its happened and for the reason he's stated. He's actually pretty straightforward and a positive influence on the bracket. Its unfortunate that he gets lumped in with other players who recently came from the 19 bracket who are well known afkers. Pizza on the same hand you must understand that people are going to immediately identify afk'ing with you, since you started the trend in TBC. Just keep doing you, man. Always a pleasure. Added you on BTag btw

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