Phonebook sell his account to Isa ?


I don't have him on real ID, but he really act like Isa atm, everybody know what is that mean (Speedpot with flag and already 30% speed, FC all game, Full buff queuing, Trinketing nova, Kicking guys from his guild, Bubble early game just to cross map, Blame TL,Group queuing). I think he sell his account to Isa or maybe Isa play sometimes his account can anyone explain me ? Where is the old community leader of Draenor alliance EU ?

You missed out the key part which includes queuing with a tonne of OP classes and mid/GY farming which PB doesn't do
R0FL if you can't tell the difference between these two, just check their fucking gameplay and you'll see Isa is miles ahead from what PB will ever be...
R0FL if you can't tell the difference between these two, just check their fucking gameplay and you'll see Isa is miles ahead from what PB will ever be...

havent played whole week, so if its a new phonebook since this week then thats why
ridwane pls

leave this for the real detectives

answr is no isa didnt buy phonebooks account

bye pm me if u want me & idc 2 solv a real case
I don't have him on real ID, but he really act like Isa atm, everybody know what is that mean (Speedpot with flag and already 30% speed, FC all game, Full buff queuing, Trinketing nova, Kicking guys from his guild, Bubble early game just to cross map, Blame TL,Group queuing). I think he sell his account to Isa or maybe Isa play sometimes his account can anyone explain me ? Where is the old community leader of Draenor alliance EU ?


where is dramatized when we need a grammar troll....
If you're going to be FC'ing all game, why wouldn't you bubble at the start of the game to cross the map? Would you rather them use the bubble CD while FC'ing?
If you're going to be FC'ing all game, why wouldn't you bubble at the start of the game to cross the map? Would you rather them use the bubble CD while FC'ing?

rofl you dont even know what your talking about. this is an EU issue :D

The reason you dont bubble in mid i cause pala is ez and you should be able to 1v5 silly.

loading screen tip: people in this bracket are only as good as their friend say they are!
good post made me laugh, but no he supposedly went all emo and turnt real id off like he does every couple of months or so.
good post made me laugh, but no he supposedly went all emo and turnt real id off like he does every couple of months or so.

R0FL if you can't tell the difference between these two, just check their fucking gameplay and you'll see Isa is miles ahead from what PB will ever be...

I can't tell the difference cuz pala don't need to cast now and i know phonebook can fakecast instead of Isa who still learning in despite the fact he is bloodthirsty. But i also found another reason it's not Isa cuz nobody in france can jump and i see Phonebook jump perfectly.

But now the real case is Why i can make the difference between you and a normal druid ? Ah yeah i know you die in 2 HOJ (DR stun) with no rejuv on you pre 4 stack ? Sweet and you also Roots for 1 second and roots a shaman who got dispell up ?

I got the point when you tell me check the game play i don't really think this is real game play this is just basic things to do in end game PVP so just copy it and use it for level 19 cuz it's not hard with 3 buttons.

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