Pathetic little Hunters


I ended up trying the 20 bracket on my lock, it is REALLY fun. Up until the hunters. (My lock is in my sig, still need to update it, and still trying to replace my BoA shoulder) The hunters are what is going to kill this bracket. I was in a bg with at least 5 hunters on Ally side. All they do is scat shot, aimed shot, dead. It's a fun bracket, reminds me of the old days, but hunters are going to crush it just like it crushed the 19s. Rogues in the 20s aren't even a problem..but those rotten hunters...

so hows your lock doing vs those priests?
notoriousthf said:
Just a note, I'm pretty sure you can get lv20 gear from Bfd and Stocks for your lock. If you can't queue for those, so you'll have to go there manually.

You can queue, just not randomly.
My f2p lock was stomping hunters...

Havent played her in a while though. been paying for wow again xD
how can you have that hat as a F2P twink?
sexy jutebraids
leipreachan said:
ive taken to leaving BG's when he is a WSG, playing with him is to easy to win, against him is impossible what with 1 shotting everyone. fun though on my horde to get the entire team to tunnel him down when i bother to stay.

Oh hai Fenna, Blennus here, ive taken to leaving BG's when the amount of ppl like you is above 4, farming mid / GY. It's pathetic.
Achmed said:
I believe u can Zuty, not tested, but still. I believe u can be teleported as RAF by your recrutee.

You're on a TBC trial account, so if you try to go to Northrend it says 'You need WotLK'. Unless summoning breaks that rule some how, but I was told Shatt is the best you can do which is fine with me.

Achmed said:
We needz pointz for loomz ;-)

But dw, it's not always like that. Horde has it's share of the "mid/gy" farming, from game to game.

True, but I think Farming is not the proper way of gaining your ''honor'' points. I notice ppl leaving BG's not coming back, decrease in queu times, increase of nub 24s.

I don't mind a challange, but getting chased by packs of hunters starting at my spawn is ridiculus -.- Also Fenna clearly ain't a true f2p char, just for the sake of killing nubs. Can be fun to do maybe ones, but it's a total waste of time imo.
I just tried summoning a trial to Dalaran with RAF and it does the whole cast time but when it gets to the end it say this account doesn't have the required expansion.
smengel said:
Oh hai Fenna, Blennus here, ive taken to leaving BG's when the amount of ppl like you is above 4, farming mid / GY. It's pathetic.

im lv20 he is lv24 thats the issue. everyone has a chance against me, albeit a small one, yet vs him it is virtually impossble. and besides i rarely farm, its just stupidly easy for me to get massive dmg done even when flag carrying. i have to admit, farming is fun for about 5 minutes then gets boring very quickly, if i wanted to farm id level up to 24 also and omgwtfbbq pwn everyone before me like Ghostbusters does.

so please dont lump all hunters together in the "farming backpeddling retard group"
Dear Fenna, you have the enchants that no one else can have 20 or not. You are lumped in with those hunters regardless of how you want to justify you are not.

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