Path of Exile OPEN BETA - action RPG, eventually F2P


HI cool kids and tinks

PATH OF EXILE Path of Exile

open beta starts tomorrow, your open beta characters/progress will transfer to when the game is "released" - completely F2P, not 'pay to win'.

i've already signed up and dled the client already

If you enjoyed other action RPGs like Titan Quest and Diablo 2 (probably not Diablo 3 which was a piece of shit game), then you will enjoy PATH OF EXILE

there's also PVP as well

so..... anyway the game looks good. hope others willcheck it out :)

see you around.
Would still rather wait for D3 pvp sorry. It seems decent, but I dont know... just seem like a version of D3 with less budget
Would still rather wait for D3 pvp sorry. It seems decent, but I dont know... just seem like a version of D3 with less budget

are you joking?

they announced that D3 PVP was scrapped

all you're gonna get now is "1v1 duelling".

they scrapped the entire development of D3 arenas....... so.... have fun waiting
they scrapped the entire development of D3 arenas....... so.... have fun waiting

I heard something like this as well. Sucks that Mr. Wilson destroyed my favorite RPG series.

Top 10 every ladder season and rank 1 for the past 5 on US West for Diablo 2. Screw Diablo 3 lol.
lol, people still waiting for d3, you fanboys are terrible.
if you want a correct diablo2 game, POE is correct and it's free.
I started playing this game and its great. I would say better than Diablo 3 actually. Just wanted to say for those interested that twinking is possible in this game at level 28 for 1v1 or 3v3 PvP
no comment.

you can twink a lot in POE, the hard part will be to find the unique gears,
those items are not linked to a character, you can trade them to your other toons via the stash, or you can sell/trade them as you want.

you can't respec except for some points you can earn while questing, so if you want to use other points, you'll have to level up again (it's fast),
those respec only concern passive talents like extra health, magic resist, extra damage, etc.

talents are activated by wearing gems, so you can switch those and have a sort of new combo,
the idea is to combine gems (talents) with support gems which will boost them, some combinations are really overpowered (like this kind of 2hander shadow steps).

the game is really good and to be honest blizzard should be inspired by the way they communicate with their users,
they do a patches on a regular basis to enhance your gametime, they communicate a lot on downtimes and the community is really active.

max level is lvl100 but there is a bracket for players under lvl 28 (1v1, 3v3)
once you know how to play and have gears from previous playthough, this lvl is reached in 3-4h max (the good players do it in less than 2h).

would def pay a full game price to have it offline (won't happen). still can't believe i purchased diablo3 at release.

check this stream: + youtube

kripp is amazingly interesting, he is really dedicated to the game
and even if i play less the game those days, i still watch his new youtube videos.
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Just wanted to say that there is actually a way to respec by buying/farming Orbs of Regrets which are quite expensive tho

Also if anyone want to add me my character name is Just_Lagging, lvl 61 Ranger
Is it iMac compatible?

Path of Exile will initially launch with support for Windows. No Mac support has been announced yet, but it's something we'll investigate after release.
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Find it hillarious that mac people are begging for games, just get a real gaming OS if you're a gamer.

Can you run Wine under Mac?
I know people under linux playing POE with it.

Just wanted to say that there is actually a way to respec by buying/farming Orbs of Regrets which are quite expensive tho

Would be 10x faster to just start from scratch, i think since openbeta released i only looted 5 of those.
And there is no way of farming anything on POE, every mob can loot anything (with level restrictions for gears, but orbs have no level).
Here's the PoE wine version for mac - Forum - Beta General Discussion - [Mac OS X] Unofficial PoE port v4.0.2 (02/17/13) - Path of Exile

It works alright but unless your mac is great you have to have all graphics set as low as possible. I hear it runs perfectly on bootcamp.

It's a fun game... brings a lot of D2 nostalgia back for me. TBH its a D2 re-skin with an interestingly redone skill (gem) and talent system. Worth a shot if you're a fan of ARPGs and/or have loved Diablo. Personally, I feel it's missing a lot but it's certainly a good game!
what is it missing in your opinion?

I like the game, but i find endgame boring. I really like the races they started this week.

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