Patch 8.3 PTR - Uldum Accord and Rajani Reputation Guide
Visions of N'Zoth introduces two new factions to gain reputation with and earn rewards. These two reputations can help you on your goal to earn the 100 Exalted Reputations achievement, and come with a variety of unique mounts, pets, and rewards to claim!
The Uldum Accord
A loose coalition of allies headed by the Tol'vir, the Uldum Accord was founded to protect the Forge of Origination from enemy forces.
Emissary Vendor
Provisioner Qorra can be found in The Seat of Ramkahen, the building north of where you teleport from your capital city.
The Uldum Accord Tabard
Upon reaching exalted with The Uldum Accord, you can purchase Uldum Accord Tabard for 240 gold at Provisioner Qorra.
Vendor Rewards
Notable rewards include Wastewander Skyterror for 24000 gold at exalted and Pygmy Camel. You can also purchase Void Tendril Pet Leash without any standing for 1 Corrupted Memento.
LevelTypeSlotNameReq. StandingModel Viewer
120Companion PetsVoid Tendril Pet LeashHonored
120Companion PetsPygmy CamelRevered
120OtherTroop Requisition: Ramkahen LancerRevered
120Inscription TechniqueRecipe: Contract: Uldum AccordRevered
120MountWastewander SkyterrorExalted
120TabardTabardUldum Accord TabardExalted
Paragon Reputation
Every 10000 reputation past exalted will earn you a Uldum Accord Supplies, which contains typical rewards of the expansion (Artifact Power and gold or war resources) plus a chance at Cursed Dune Watcher.
Earning Reputation with The Uldum Accord
Here are the ways you can earn reputation with The Uldum Accord.
The Rajani
A group of mogu loyal to the titan keeper Ra, they are charged with defending the Engine of Nalak'sha from N'Zoth's minions.
Emissary Vendor
Zhang Ku can be found in The Silent Sanctuary, just east of Mistfall Village in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Rajani Tabard
Upon reaching exalted with the Rajani, you can purchase Rajani Tabard for 240 gold at Zhang Ku.
Vendor Rewards
Notable rewards include Rajani Warserpent, which requires the rare item Pristine Cloud Serpent Scale and Lightning-Forged Augment Rune, the new permanent augment rune for this expansion that costs 50000 gold.
LevelTypeSlotNameReq. StandingModel Viewer
120MountRajani Warserpent
120OtherTroop Requisition: Rajani SparkcallerRevered
120Inscription TechniqueRecipe: Contract: RajaniRevered
120Companion PetsWindfeather QuillExalted
120TabardTabardRajani TabardExalted
120OtherLightning-Forged Augment RuneExalted
Paragon Reputation
Every 10000 reputation past exalted will earn you a Rajani Supplies, which contains typical rewards of the expansion (Artifact Power and gold or war resources) plus a chance at Jade Defender.
Earning Reputation with the Rajani
Here are the ways you can earn reputation with the Rajani.
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Visions of N'Zoth introduces two new factions to gain reputation with and earn rewards. These two reputations can help you on your goal to earn the 100 Exalted Reputations achievement, and come with a variety of unique mounts, pets, and rewards to claim!
The Uldum Accord
A loose coalition of allies headed by the Tol'vir, the Uldum Accord was founded to protect the Forge of Origination from enemy forces.
Emissary Vendor
Provisioner Qorra can be found in The Seat of Ramkahen, the building north of where you teleport from your capital city.
The Uldum Accord Tabard
Upon reaching exalted with The Uldum Accord, you can purchase Uldum Accord Tabard for 240 gold at Provisioner Qorra.
Vendor Rewards
Notable rewards include Wastewander Skyterror for 24000 gold at exalted and Pygmy Camel. You can also purchase Void Tendril Pet Leash without any standing for 1 Corrupted Memento.
LevelTypeSlotNameReq. StandingModel Viewer
120Companion PetsVoid Tendril Pet LeashHonored
120Companion PetsPygmy CamelRevered
120OtherTroop Requisition: Ramkahen LancerRevered
120Inscription TechniqueRecipe: Contract: Uldum AccordRevered
120MountWastewander SkyterrorExalted
120TabardTabardUldum Accord TabardExalted
Paragon Reputation
Every 10000 reputation past exalted will earn you a Uldum Accord Supplies, which contains typical rewards of the expansion (Artifact Power and gold or war resources) plus a chance at Cursed Dune Watcher.
Earning Reputation with The Uldum Accord
Here are the ways you can earn reputation with The Uldum Accord.
- Quests from the Black Empire Campaign chain involving Uldum.
- The Uldum Accord Daily Quests - Found in The Seat of Ramkahen or on your map of Uldum indicated by blue exclamation points. Awards 75 reputation each.
- Daily Pet Battle quest in Uldum.
- Black Empire Assault - Completing the Black Empire Assault that happens every other week in Uldum awards 1500 reputation.
- Allies of N'Zoth Assaults - Completing the Allies of N'Zoth Assaults that happen twice a week in Uldum (when it isn't a Black Empire Assault week) awards 500 reputation per assault.
- Uldum Accord Insignia is likely from your mission table missions.
- Uldum Accord Insignia has also been discovered, but it is unknown where it comes from as of now.
The Rajani
A group of mogu loyal to the titan keeper Ra, they are charged with defending the Engine of Nalak'sha from N'Zoth's minions.
Emissary Vendor
Zhang Ku can be found in The Silent Sanctuary, just east of Mistfall Village in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Rajani Tabard
Upon reaching exalted with the Rajani, you can purchase Rajani Tabard for 240 gold at Zhang Ku.
Vendor Rewards
Notable rewards include Rajani Warserpent, which requires the rare item Pristine Cloud Serpent Scale and Lightning-Forged Augment Rune, the new permanent augment rune for this expansion that costs 50000 gold.
LevelTypeSlotNameReq. StandingModel Viewer
120MountRajani Warserpent
120OtherTroop Requisition: Rajani SparkcallerRevered
120Inscription TechniqueRecipe: Contract: RajaniRevered
120Companion PetsWindfeather QuillExalted
120TabardTabardRajani TabardExalted
120OtherLightning-Forged Augment RuneExalted
Paragon Reputation
Every 10000 reputation past exalted will earn you a Rajani Supplies, which contains typical rewards of the expansion (Artifact Power and gold or war resources) plus a chance at Jade Defender.
Earning Reputation with the Rajani
Here are the ways you can earn reputation with the Rajani.
- Quests from the Black Empire Campaign chain involving The Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
- Rajani Daily Quests - Found in the Silent Sanctuary or on your map of the Vale of Eternal Blossom indicated by blue exclamation points. Awards 75 reputation each.
- Daily Pet Battle quest in Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
- Black Empire Assault - Completing the Black Empire Assault that happens every other week in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms awards 1500 reputation.
- Allies of N'Zoth Assaults - Completing the Allies of N'Zoth Assaults that happen twice a week in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms (when it isn't a Black Empire Assault week) awards 500 reputation per assault.
- Rajani Insignia is likely from your mission table missions.
- Rajani Insignia has also been discovered, but it is unknown where it comes from as of now.
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