6.0.3 Patch Notes - World of Warcraft
Prot Paladins got Sanctuary which reduces damage taken by 10%, chance to dodge increased by 2%, chance to be parried decreased by 3%.
Shaman mana costs cut in half for several spells.
For players queued for Random Battlegrounds, the losing team should receive 45 honor points again.
Resolved an issue where windwalker monks couldn't craft more than one item at a time when using the "Create All" button.
No word on broken PvP achievements or long queues
Anything else noticeable that I missed?
Prot Paladins got Sanctuary which reduces damage taken by 10%, chance to dodge increased by 2%, chance to be parried decreased by 3%.
Shaman mana costs cut in half for several spells.
For players queued for Random Battlegrounds, the losing team should receive 45 honor points again.
Resolved an issue where windwalker monks couldn't craft more than one item at a time when using the "Create All" button.
No word on broken PvP achievements or long queues