Paladin HP

Hi All,

I was wondering how much HP my paladin should have at 19? I don't have fishing hat or AGM yet. Right now I am sitting at 1250 HP and I was laughed at by another twink in WSG the other night saying only 1000 HP. I was at 1127 HP during that battle (before I got +3 stats on chest, +9 stam on bracers, +7 shield). I am not sure what a proper twink's HP should be. I have seen twinks with 1500 and higher HP but I see that they have fishing hat, 2x AGMs and rum. My hunter only has 1100 HP and he is as geared as he can be minus the hat and AGM. Should you have 2x AGM or 1 AGM and Insignia?

1k Unbuffed HP is the norm, going too much higher than that and you start to feel the absence of other twinks... especially if you don't have the Hat and AGMs yet.

For example, I was able to just shoot it out with a hunter who had 1500 HP (Not moving in for my melee-ranged combo mind you) and finished him off with 300 HP left over.

While they take a while to kill, they also take a long time to kill anything themselves and are generally better suited for Flag Running, interference, or running with a healer twink with other high HP players.
I'm running 1.5k unbuffed HP in my FC set, one AGM and no fishing hat.

Post an armory link and i'll check you's mine.


Edit- Woops, sorry, forgot to check your twinks.

Anyway, You i'm not sure if that's your healing set or some type of expirement, but if it's your FC set you need to pick up a Nightwatch Shortsword with 22 int or 30 SP, imo get BD Chest with 4 stats, 7 stam to shield, 9 stam to bracers, replace your Lavishly Jeweled ring with Seal of Wrynn or another Blood ring, and last but not least grab Girdle of the Blindwatcher from SFK.

My armory hasn't updated since last night when I made some changes. I am not using a healing set. Right now I have no plans to make one. Since armory is not updating here is a chardev that is what I am wearing plus enchants: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

I do agree that I need the Blackened Defias chest but I am waiting until I can turn off XP to get it. I do like the Skeletal Club plus Lifestealling. I am not running out of mana as FC or bodyguard. I life the Lavishly Jeweled ring for the hit and intellect. If I switch for the sword and ring I will get 90 more HP and 220 more intellect but do I really need it?
1k in ret and 1.3K in FC gear is good without fishing hat or two agms
LoL you can get 1900+hp whit only rumsey if you get max stamina gear :p
my paladin currently got : 1837 hp

still missing a few things tho to 100% max it out

like , dm leather legs , +7 stamina boots enchant , +50 hp chest enchant , so ;<
As an FC Paladin you should not be taking agility and hit over stamina and intellect. And to answer your question, yes, you really need it. If you've got enough time to get a lifestealing proc while running the flag, then you're doing something wrong. The only purpose i can see for Skeletal Club with LS is if you are on top of the EFC in your own flag room and you need to down him/her quickly. Otherwise you should just be kiting the enemy offense rather than actually engaging them. Oh, and also, +4 stats > +3 stats to chest. =P

After running the flag in 10 WSG matches last night I found that I really should not be swinging the Skeletal Club. I will work on getting a Night Watch Shortsword and keep the Skeletal Club in my bag with a macro to switch out if I have to go on Defense. The Skeletal Club with Lifestealing is pretty good in combat. I know that +4 stats > +3 stats on chest :p I can never find an enchanter that can make it when I am logged on. The mats for +3 is pretty cheap so its an easy to get alternative until I can luck into the +4 stats. I am working on my Neck and Ring. I have a blood ring and demon band equipped right now until I can get another blood ring or protector's band. As soon as XP goes off I will get the Seal. What enchant would be best for the sword? Thanks again for all of the input!

Here is an updated chardev with sword (no enchant): v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner
Got 1747 HP unbufft with my FC-Pala. Not max out Hp but i want to have some stats too ;)

If you think you're good on mana, toss on 30 SP. I still like 22 int because it gives you a few more holy lights to throw down.

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