Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

Which Spec?

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So i've been looking at the trees for 3.1 and am having a large mental breakdown regarding my spec. I've chosen a few prime options.

1: Prot/Survivalist:

Pros: Effective Healing, Shorter, More Effective Cooldowns, More 'OSHIT' Buttons.

Cons: No Spiritual Focus, No Concentration Aura=No pushback Resist

2: Pure + Healing:

Pros: Super heals, Aura Mastery

Cons: Holy Build, No Imp Conc. Lots of Filler Points(Illumination)

3: "Shockadin" DPS:

Pros: Strong Offensive Ability and DPS

Cons: Low Healing Talents

4: Pure Holy:

Pros: Strong Heals, Full Conc Effect

Cons: Low Damage/Kiteability

What do you think? Help a brother out :p

Divinity- Increases healing done to you and all effects on you by 5%.

Imp Devotion Aura - 6% healing recieved.

From being that spec you'll be healing up to 11% on yourself and other targets, yet getting a GREAT survivalbilty from the other talents in the built.

This is when the Argument comes in ...Spiritual Focus, Yeah... for most people you're thinking its a MUST have against all those nasty Rogues.


Spiritual Focus- 70% resist pushback. a must have against all those dirty nasty rogues that're always on ya.

Increases the ammount healed by your FoL and Holy Light by 12%.

I honestly don't find Illumination a must have..although it could be useful... I'm just the kind of guy that hates relying on procs or even my critical heals.

Aura Mastery- God mode against rogues...

You'll be healing 12% on others and 22% on yourself while prot spec you'll heal 16% on yourself.

Now you're all probably thinking... dude... the Pure+Healing spec is the way to go, but it's not.

You may heal 1% more and heal through mele 70% better, but I honestly would go with the Prot/Survivalbilty, 11% healing, Reduces Dmg Taken by 6%, and devine sacrifice on those zerges. But why go pure+healing when we lose about 700HP next patch, You may be a strong healer, but you'll die faster then the Prot/Survivalist Pally next to ya... cough*

I think we'll have to wait til the patch hits to test them out, you never know if the Prot/Survivalist spec is the wtg til you try it, it could be worse then you think or even better.

Edit: I did this in the morning a few minutes after I woke up so if I made any mistakes or sound dumb don't bash on me. :p
It's 16% on Self with Prot and 22% on Self with Pure Healing
Perhaps something else, like 5/0/15 or 8/0/12,

being... 5/5 spiritual focus, 5/5 deflection, 2/2 imp judgements, 3/3 heart of the crusader, 2/2 vindication, 1/1 soc or 1/5 conviction, 2/2 pursuit of justice? glyphed exorcism. The benefit being two fantastic debuffs for your dps'ers and kiting rogues with judgement of justice? disarm reduction and such.

Or... 5/5 spiritual focus, 3/3 12 percent more effective healing, 5/5 delfection, 3/3 heart of the crusader, 2/2 judgements, 2/2 vindication, glpyhed exorcism?

maybe? good for healing a group trying to take down an enemy FC or decreasing another enemies offensive power, limiting there movement speed, and lowering there health when you're defending your flag carrier?

The glyph is questionable, really so if your dps'ers get the EFC low you can try n go for a kill shot with a hoj-judgement of command-exorcism. Could glyph FoL too i guess.

Vallei said:
Perhaps something else, like 5/0/15 or 8/0/12,

being... 5/5 spiritual focus, 5/5 deflection, 2/2 imp judgements, 3/3 heart of the crusader, 2/2 vindication, 1/1 soc or 1/5 conviction, 2/2 pursuit of justice? glyphed exorcism. The benefit being two fantastic debuffs for your dps'ers and kiting rogues with judgement of justice? disarm reduction and such.

Or... 5/5 spiritual focus, 3/3 12 percent more effective healing, 5/5 delfection, 3/3 heart of the crusader, 2/2 judgements, 2/2 vindication, glpyhed exorcism?

maybe? good for healing a group trying to take down an enemy FC or decreasing another enemies offensive power, limiting there movement speed, and lowering there health when you're defending your flag carrier?

The glyph is questionable, really so if your dps'ers get the EFC low you can try n go for a kill shot with a hoj-judgement of command-exorcism. Could glyph FoL too i guess.


Did you Look at spec #3? Same thing, but Conviction is friggin amazing. I'll be getting exorcism glyph regardless of spec b/c FoL isn't that great.

EDIT: Also, Benediction is better than Deflection because A: you can't parry while casting

B: Freedom, judges, etc. 95% mana.
Pållynåtor said:
Did you Look at spec #3? Same thing, but Conviction is friggin amazing. I'll be getting exorcism glyph regardless of spec b/c FoL isn't that great.

I did change it...

And you could go sort of a shocking build for exorcism, but it's not that much survivalbility or +healing, but if you do end up healing, you're heals will be low, but will crit for a lot i suppose.

PS: On vent
Well the point of a shockadin is to be able to put enough pressure on what I'm killing so that I can heal myself effectively as they try to escape/bandage, etc.
Yes, i looked at spec number three. conviction is indeed a very good talent. 4/5 percent increased healing to you is not worth not picking up 2/2 vindication and 2/2 pursuit of justice.

And for ease of play, 5/5 spiritual focus is a quality of life buff that for most will exceed the benefit of 5/5 conviction. However, glyphing FoL and taking 5/5 conviction instead of 5/5 spiritual focus would it fairly easy to get 20 percent flash of light crit chance. So that spec is also viable if played right.

The true benefit of speccing 20 into ret for conviction instead of spiritual focus is in pugs. Just do your job as a healer, but if things aren't looking good and your team needs a flag return , you could switch entirely to a ret gear and be virtually just as powerful as a ret paladin as the spec would be virtually the same.

I myself will be trying 5/0/15 first, though.
True, BUT the point of the build is O pressure. See my last post. It's also more of an arena build, tbh. As that spec i'll be running with conc aura which works just dandy.
It would work as an arena build, yes.

But the point of a ret oriented build with healing gear would be to work as a team.

the strengths, i think, would be in the debuffs. not just outright pressure.

Say a pally, a hunter, and... a warlock are going as group to return a flag flag from a druid, healer, and one other. the strength would be judgement of justicing the druid so he's stuck at reg movement speed and can't sprint, getting 3 percent more crit for the hunter, and using your taunt to get vindication up to lower his max hp if the judgement didn't get it up. Then healing your hunter and warlock.

Just getting debuffs up, and healing your team. Then say the druid gets low, hoj the healer and exorcism-judgement the druid for a kill. The point of a ret oriented build would be to provide utility and heals to the team, while having a bit more tools to deal with rogues and such untill help arives. judgement of justice a sprinting rogue, hof, and run. and uninturupted heals are something alot of paladins take for granted. They really are good in the bg and arena scene
Say we're fighting against druid and a priest though. Dispel debuffs, gg. In the meanwhile, I get zerged and die due to low heals.
Somewhat a good point, a priest could put a hole in the specs strength.

Although the heals of a 5/0/15 or other ret oriented build would only be 12 percent less effective then a full holy build. And one could drop 3 point in ret, either vindication/pursuit of justice and the spare, and have heals equally as strong as a full holy build, and only 5 percent less effective on yourself as a holy/prot build, and still as effective on others.
my 39 paladin dumped 12 points into ret because PoJ is a really nice talent to have.

with HoF, PoJ, and an 8 second CD with JoJ, you can get melee targets off of you easily. this spec might not be the best for healing, but it has great survivability:
The shockadin setup really isn't something that is truly effective for everything: pugs, 10v10, ab, arena pug, 5v5s, etc.

It's more of a fun, arena setup.
Druiddroid, I like your thinking, but what you just stated it pretty much why I'd go the prot spec.

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