Pack your things! The PTR is up!


Ok guys the PTR is finally up!!! I have copied my 19 twink over and hope to see other people doing the same thing!

It does not matter at all if your alliance or horde as every hour the PTR updates with the ability to FACTION CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER! This means we can all be on one side!

The PTR is also an AMAZING way to advertise twinks! 85 players seeing an organised community all on the PTR would be shocked and may consider rolling one themselves.

We will be hanging out in DALARAN SEWERS so find a mage and get yo ass there!

Link to copying char and client:

Guide to installing for those having trouble: - Credit to Cheruhbim for this guide.

Please copy your twink to BRILL EU!!

The reason we are doing BRILL EU is so we can play agaisnt europe twinks as well as US !

Hoping to do wargames and may even host some sort of 2v2/3v3/5v5 tournament if enough interest is truly shown! 5v5 warsong would be a bonus to!

PLEASE NOTE: If you download the PTR now you will have an up to date version for the NEXT time the PTR comes out, meaning downloading it now will save you time for when the next addition comes out (which will be a MAJOR content patch, aka 4.3), this could also mean that twinks could make a habit of using the PTR like they used to. I know the download seems MASSIVE but being able to have a huge amount 19 twinks on the same server is a GOD SEND.

Twinks with PTR:





















It seems EU characters take about 2 days to copy over! So anyone looking to come play from europe copy your twinks over ASAP as you will likely be waiting for your characters to be copied even when the download is finished!

I strongly advise all 19s to atleast give the idea some thought as it could turn out to be a whole lot of fun! :).

Vent info for PTR USERS:


I'm on right now! this could be SO much fun if we could get a lot of twinks onto the server! Maybe someone could write a short guide on how to install ptr while I sleep? I'd owe you one ^_^.
i'm ally side dude come over! im also xfering my horde twink (you can xfer up to 4 characters after all!!!)
Jdoring said:
Downloading the PTR Now i think...hahaha gonna bring my warrior and my pally over there!

sounds great! i really hope this goes off, people need to spread the word ! tell everyone you know, put it as your real ID broadcast anything just get it out there!

also Fly could u post a link to this thread on the BG forums 19 twink thread? im perma banned unfortunately :(, posted twink list 2 many times
Once you get to a certain point you can log on and play but it will stil be downloading, and yes it will take a while its quite a huge download.
this is great! didnt think this much interest would be shown so quickly :D!! this could turn out to be really fun.
Hey sax, do you have any preference on what i should copy?

on horde i have: 19 shammy (NO BOA), 19 warr

on ally i have: hunter, pally, druid, mage and warr. i would prefer to copy the druid and pally, but let me know if you have any preference.
Mooseknuckle said:
Hey sax, do you have any preference on what i should copy?

on horde i have: 19 shammy (NO BOA), 19 warr

on ally i have: hunter, pally, druid, mage and warr. i would prefer to copy the druid and pally, but let me know if you have any preference.

hey there moose you can copy up to 4 characters so pick which ever you see playing the most!

also it doesnt matter what faction you are because every HOUR you get the option to FACTION CHANGE any of your toons !

why not xfer your shaman pally druid and mage? though its not my call you will be missing out on one of your twinks.

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