Outlook on 19 warriors right now.

HI!, I'm currently in the making of a 19 twink tauren warrior. I have a really good idea on gear and i have boa shoulders, 2h axe weapon boa, and no price limit, SO far the price is about 500g including everything. Are warriors any good at 19? cause i was making him saying "Warriors are the most Under powered in wsg ATM so it will be fun". I'm not so sure about that statement because i never had a hunter twink or faught a good warrior on my rogue. i don't see many good warriors but the good ones do hurt. any opinions?
a good warrior > you
He means, any good warrior is gonna dominate the bg right now.

Hunters? LMAO I chew em up and spit em out on my week old orc warrior.

I don't even have boa gear or a trinket yet.

Ill take 5 warriors and any mix vs 10 hunters any day of the week.
Warriors have gotten much better since last patch. You can actually take down hunters with them without much of a problem. I wouldn't exactly consider them 'underpowered' anymore.
Mummified said:
He means, any good warrior is gonna dominate the bg right now.

Indeed i did. The only classes to beat a hunter are shaman, Warrior, pally and Priest (Maybe?)
Cookíes said:
Indeed i did. The only classes to beat a hunter are shaman, Warrior, pally and Priest (Maybe?)

Well my main twink, a Druid, and i can take on any hunter that is not a "Pro" which means fully twinked out and everything. the olny thing that makes hunters "Op".... is that they can shoot from longer range than anyone and have gay ass pets. and any class that there are a bunch of get annoying fast so yeah hunters are not that great just very out numbered with 7 pets on u as a healer. so yeah warriors can take huntards now?
From my experience, the "OMG HUNTERS ARE SO OP" has kind of gone a little out of proportion.

When I play my Priest, any equally geared Hunter can deffinately take me, but Arenas have hunters on basically the same level as everyone else.


Double Stun+Silence can lock you the fudge down.

But Warriors are definitely better since 3.1
The twink I've currently been playing is an undead warrior and I've been having a blast. No classes offer me any trouble 1v1. Hunters are only troublesome if they tag me into combat before I can charge but even then they don't always get the upper hand. If confronted by a group I can usually cause some serious damage before I'm taken out. Overall they perform very well in 19s.
Rip said:
From my experience, the "OMG HUNTERS ARE SO OP" has kind of gone a little out of proportion.

When I play my Priest, any equally geared Hunter can deffinately take me, but Arenas have hunters on basically the same level as everyone else.


Double Stun+Silence can lock you the fudge down.

But Warriors are definitely better since 3.1

Rofl, lucky you eh? :p Yeah, I used to be able to out melee warriors, but with the new 30 yard charge, shield block, and disarm... they hurt. If I don't have bat or pvp trinket up I'm doomed.
check out my warrior under "my twinks" i promise you, no one. NO ONE beats me in dmg done. and ill eat everything alive.
there are a lot of things wrong with your warrior bud. two things real quick your crit % is horrible and you have 0 hit rating. don't go talking smack on forums like that sht really annoys me. hunters, warlocks, and rogues will out damage you all day even if you were the shizzle. having 1143 hp doesn't help your case either.
A good warrior can beat me if he gets the opening move nowadays, and I had a guy in my guild who leveled his 19 warrior to 20 since he was bored of dominating post 3.1, so yeah, I think warriors are getting better.

While I'm in a warrior thread, a question for warriors. Should I get +5 Hit to my boots instead of Minor Speed to increase accuracy on my two hand? Would it be worth sacrificing 8% run speed?
I'm hitcapped. I use Spidersilk Drape+Devivate Scale Belt+ Simple Pearl Ring. I would not advise losing out on minor speed.
Juicie said:
there are a lot of things wrong with your warrior bud. two things real quick your crit % is horrible and you have 0 hit rating. don't go talking smack on forums like that sht really annoys me. hunters, warlocks, and rogues will out damage you all day even if you were the shizzle. having 1143 hp doesn't help your case either.

Then how come i honestly always wins dmg done?
Tidal said:
I'm hitcapped. I use Spidersilk Drape+Devivate Scale Belt+ Simple Pearl Ring. I would not advise losing out on minor speed.

Ok, thanks. One more question: Starting at level 18 with no rest experience or anything, can you get Glacial Stone and Beetle Clasps without leveling too close to 20?

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