Omg blizzard...


"Additional instances cannot be launched."

I think I've seen this on my screen at least 700 times the past week.

any info on when/if a fix is coming ? =/

It's frickin impossible to get my twink gear, the only time I can enter instances are from 04am-10am and then a couple of hours in the middle of the day, this is just pathetic. really, I'm going to /slit wrist and masturbate to death soon if this doesn't get fixed.
Zaske said:
"Additional instances cannot be launched."

I think I've seen this on my screen at least 700 times the past week.

any info on when/if a fix is coming ? =/

It's frickin impossible to get my twink gear, the only time I can enter instances are from 04am-10am and then a couple of hours in the middle of the day, this is just pathetic. really, I'm going to /slit wrist and masturbate to death soon if this doesn't get fixed.


bump for justice...impossible to get an instance on burning blade or kargath except between 4-10am and some random times if youre lucky inbetween. nearly impossible to farm tho since you lose the instance as soon as you try to reset! so no que's...and no way to finish farming gear. lose-lose situation!

hopefully there will be a fix soon since its bad for even 80s. took me ~2mins to get into ToC even, and thats no good for blizzard when you cant launch high priority servers.
Blizzard is fixing this issue.

My server never has this kind of issue, for me at least.

Please be patient as it cannot be fixed overnight.
Regroovenate said:
Blizzard is fixing this issue.

My server never has this kind of issue, for me at least.

Please be patient as it cannot be fixed overnight.

Don't start talking like Blizzard is right there for us. This problem never should have happened in the first place. Blizzard knows their server capacities. Simply looking at instance growth trends should have made this easy to have avoided in the first place.

We've all seen their BS excuse that delaying 3.2 release wouldn't have helped, but that's retarded as hell. So instead of having to fix a much smaller issue (like this was prior to 3.2), they release 4 new instances (counting the new BG) and introduce a patch that has a lot of people transferring servers (twinks mostly).

This should have been such a ridiculously easy problem to see coming, but instead they focused on other things, or nothing at all. The fact that it has been going on for weeks is a slap in the face. We don't want it fixed overnight....we want it fixed the night before (as in before it even happened). And I don't think that's an unreasonable thing to expect.

Regroovenate said:
Blizzard is fixing this issue.

My server never has this kind of issue, for me at least.

Please be patient as it cannot be fixed overnight.

ok, well it does happen to my server, all the time, for the last idk.. 15 days ?"fixed overnight." I never expected it to be ? I didn't even complain the first week, now it's close to 3 weeks. and I still got the problem, don't tell me to be patient, this is Blizzard. they CAN fix it overnight, they just chose not to.
Regroovenate said:
Blizzard is fixing this issue.

My server never has this kind of issue, for me at least.

Please be patient as it cannot be fixed overnight.

blue post on blizzard fixing this issue?

im glad u have a low to moderate server population. the servers im on are high pop, preBC, vanilla launch servers & this problem has been going on for wayyy longer than weeks. we have been patient, they need to fix this NOW. and it can pretty much be fixed overnight, just buy more friggen hardware...this isnt a software problem or coding issue or anything like that.
yeah it has happened to my server for ages as well, my server is Al'Akir one of the first servers to be launched, what I mean when i say Ive had this problem for 15 days is: it has been IMPOSSIBLE to enter a low-lvl instance the past 15 days, at least during the day.
Zaske said:
yeah it has happened to my server for ages as well, my server is Al'Akir one of the first servers to be launched, what I mean when i say Ive had this problem for 15 days is: it has been IMPOSSIBLE to enter a low-lvl instance the past 15 days, at least during the day.

yea man...i mean i havent counted days, but how ever long its been since 3.2 launched...thats the last time its been since ive been able to get in an instance outside of 4-10am (and even then only limited). pre 3.2, it was still awful, like 10mins per instance, but at least you could still manage to get gear. it was the coming of all the coliseaum instances and the new BG that wrecked the servers, and i hope they get more soon. & at that other guy again....this literally could be fixed overnight.....JUST BUY MORE SERVERS!!!!
I noticed a problem with this last night when I decided to go on a run at Mauradon on my priest who will be lvl 43 soon.

I hope they get this fixed soon as this is getting on my nerves.

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