On level one, it's pretty much the vendor in the starting area, plus enchants.
There are things like the barn door, gf'd stuff like squealers belt, I'm gonna hop on my lvl 1 and check.
Ok, for slots:
Back: Sindorei Cloak of Warding (3 AR, 3 STAM).
Neck: VAM (voice amplification modulator)
Chest and Pants: afaik just starter area stuff.
Rings: anything. 2x mood rings, why not.
Trinkets: 2x AGM. Have fun.
Weapon: keen machete, if it's not gf'd. Otherwise....do as many quests in the starter zones as you can, there's probably a white weapon with decent dps on it.
OH: FMP (furbolg medicine pouch). While you can't use the use-effect (no level req listed but when you try to use it says you're not high enough to use it. Even smoking a bowl doesn't get you high enough to use it. Oh well, you can still equip it for the stam.)
AGM and FMP are arguably your biggest impacts on stats, other than enchants.
Plus toys and stuff.
Tbh, the extra stats add up real fast from the heirlooms, plus they fill in 2 pieces you can't get normally at level 1.
With the new mogging in legion, I'm hoping we'll be able to mog heirlooms so we don't all look the same.
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