Old Times

i just miss when warlocks were good at 19 (consume shads and glyphs and battle squishy shield)
Snowjobs said:
i just miss when warlocks were good at 19 (consume shads and glyphs and battle squishy shield)

I also miss this. Good warlocks could beat rogues and hunters. It was epic. I'de like to take this moment to say "Nexxis, best warlock world kai?" He was amazing xD. I oculd never get the hang on warlock personally.
A female acquaintance told me to link this.

Kore nametooshort said:
I bloody loved my first beast slaying enchant! Meleeing tigers in STV on my hunter cos I was pro was epic!

And I had to walk 15 miles, through the snow, uphill both ways to find someone to do the enchant for me on my staff.

Also, Shield Spec on my Shaman .. I R TANK!1

Nakedplumber said:
No way its red! D:

Did they change it?! It used to be orange!

Also, Imp Wing Clip on my 19 Huntard was OP. I also had Dishu who had a 1.2 attack speed and made casters sad.

Kore nametooshort said:
Auberdine to Ironforge <3

Razor Hill to Darkshore to tame me a Ghost Saber and then caught a ship to Teldrassil to tame an owl :3

Back when mounts were for one person only, it was 1000g for a mount, you had to do a rather difficult quest for your Lock/Pally mount, and Taurens didn't even have a mount.


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