Old Schooler - Making new 39 Shaman

Hey folks, after a long break from twinking, I suddenly had the urge to make a 39 Enh Shaman.

Some of you may know me as ßetray/Suppress/Ångels <X E N O CI D E> from back in Reckoning or as Suppressthis, Themajor, or Laughingman in Nightfall.

Anyway, Im currently only lvl 22, but I should be 39 in a two weeks or so (i hate leveling), but I just wanted to see what directions people could point me in for professions, talents, and gear since I've been out of the loop for awhile.

Im leveling herbalism and skinning atm, but I may change skinning to engineering if the trinkets and bombs are enough of a benefit over the constant crit bonus.

I have all the BoA gear with plenty of emblems/spirit shards to spend on any other BoA gear I could/should use.

Except for PoD (which I was lucky enough to get for 225g on my warrior 2-3 years ago), all other gear should be easily obtainable.

Im aiming to be a BG player, not really arena (i prefer 80 arena).

Also, any resto gear I should look into getting would be of great help.

I would strongly recomment Engineering, not only for Trinkets (imho Insignia/AGM is still superior to everything else), but also for Bombs (Fel Iron and Arcane are both amazing!), and, if you play Resto, Green Lenses. If you are really lucky, you might also get your hands on some old Eagle lens, but I doubt that.

If you cannot obtain a PoD, I suggest you to go for SoJ (no BAR because tBC Enchants are superior to Crusader for Shams), either with Mongoose or Savagery, depending on if you like Procs or not.

Talents and Gear:

character planner . 39podenhsham - chardev.org

î_ This I did some times ago, without taking Random Instances Awards (for my private server doesnt offer them), nor Heirlooms (for I have no access to them, due to no 80 Chars) into consideration.

Oh, and, if you have rolled Horde anyway, I did not take Worn Running Boots because of some chardev bug back then when I created that profile. Talents could be improved too, I think.


character planner . 39podshaman - chardev.org

39 bracket usually stacks stam, i've played against rogues on my paladin with 3.1k hp(buffed) and im sitting there with my 3.2 hp paladin(buffed) thinking, oh snap.

Just make sure to balance AP,crit,hit with stam; you'll dominate XD

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