Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements


Once I get my shaman xferred to Mal'Ganis, I will be making a guild for people who miss the good ol' days of twinking. Nothing is set in stone, but this could be a good idea, and for those who think it's a bad idea, just don't reply to this thread.

-No boa

-Level 19's only

-Have xp off at 18/19 and get gear, then put xp back on (I'll pay for it if you can't)

-Wargames, (bgs, arenas, etc.)

-Gurbashi Arena!-We will be having matches at the Gurabashi Arena between Alliance and Horde. It will be like its own bg if lots of people join.

-Dueling Tourneys-Horde vs Horde, Ally vs Ally, and even Horde vs Ally (We will have a meeting ground, probably Gurabashi)

-CLASS RESTRICTIONS- There will be a few moves banned, such as: Shadowstep, Aimed Shot, Scatter Shot, Disengage, Paladin Stun, and a few more moves that we are still deciding on.

-We have to make these bans if we want to have fun again, I mean, 19 bgs now aren't fun unless you're a hunter, rogue, priest or paladin.

-Who misses BC/Early Wotlk twinking? This will be similar. Trust me.

-WE NEED ALLIANCE. We have a few people rolling horde, such as myself, (I probably will create an Alliance toon also) but we NEED more people willing to do this on Alliance.

-F2P and P2P can ALL enjoy this, and as for the F2P, I will cover your enchants. (I will probably need a few people to help fund twinks too, since I only have so much gold.)

-When I xfer, I'm bringing tons of Rumsey with me. So Horde will be set, Alliance..not so much. I'd like to have a 19 twink xfer to alliance, since mostly everyone is rerolling, and we need someone on alliance who is 19 and has Rumsey for everyone, such as myself. I will probably sell some Rumsey for VERY cheap on the Neutral AH, so Alliance can get it and get twinking! (I will not pay for xfers, I'd love to, but I can't)

-This will be so much better and organized than 19 Cata twinking.

-PM me or PST Shoçk, (19 tauren shammy in game) if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns. Do NOT talk to me if you just want to put this idea down. Also, PM Gangsta(i think that's his name, or Ganksta) or Mochabad.

-And I repeat, classes will NOT be banned, only a few moves.

-GrandFathered gear will NOT be banned, if you have it, use it. But BoA is not allowed.

-We will use P2P enchants, and for F2P players who are about to complain, I'll pay for your P2P enchants.

-Also, people are complaining that we are banning Concussive Shot. I don't know where THAT came from, but we certainly will NOT ban it. Same with Flash Heal, we won't ban that either.

Thanks in advance, that is all for now. :Horde::US:
Good idea, i like that your going through with it. I'll certainly have to join in the fun!
We hsould start with most people horde to make sure we have a handle before we spread ourselves. Just a thought
I will transfer my oldschool 19 rogue to this realm, he's alliance. I hope this isn't going to be a disappointment :)

Oh, he needs some (a lot) of improvement, should I make a DK or are you funding most?
Awesome said:
I will transfer my oldschool 19 rogue to this realm, he's alliance. I hope this isn't going to be a disappointment :)

Oh, he needs some (a lot) of improvement, should I make a DK or are you funding most?

I wouldn't xfer JUST yet. I'll xfer to test it out before anyone does anything they'll regret, we already have people working on rerolling, so for now I'd reroll, because I'd rather see my money wasted than anyone else's. Also, link ur rogue please. And I'll help with getting rumsey to the alliance, its no biggy just need to put it on neutral AH for virtually nothing, but I'm funding the Horde, since my toon is horde. I may try to get money to an alliance character i have (it is possible, just need a middle-man). But for now, please don't spend any money!
I've rerolled for the time being. I do have a rogue with Tunic of Westfall that id love to use and he's ally :D

Btw tonight through tomorrow i'll be writing a list of each class along with spells which are usable and which are banned (and why). expect it tomorrow night, oh and it wont be a let down :D (if you help, of course.)
There is a much easier and better solution, that will put twinking closer to BC than this idea.

Download and play on Hamcakeland. Problem Solved.
tamer said:
I've heard of that. But never knew much about it. How much space does the download take? Do I need to pay for it?

It's a private server dedicated to 19 twinks and is at patch 3.3.5.a. This is right when the major imbalance came before Cataclysm, and is probably going to bring you a lot closer to what you want to do, than everyone migrating to Mal'Ganis.

I really like what you have going Tamer, and it's awesome that you've got people on board with you, but if you can spark people in getting together to go to the same server, I'd strongly suggest putting your efforts into migrating to Hamcake instead.

It's also free.
Firetruckk said:
It's a private server dedicated to 19 twinks and is at patch 3.3.5.a. This is right when the major imbalance came before Cataclysm, and is probably going to bring you a lot closer to what you want to do, than everyone migrating to Mal'Ganis.

I really like what you have going Tamer, and it's awesome that you've got people on board with you, but if you can spark people in getting together to go to the same server, I'd strongly suggest putting your efforts into migrating to Hamcake instead.

It's also free.

I'm thinking about it. How active is it? If I can help in anyway, I will. It's better to have people download something for free, than pay to xfer their twinks to Mal'Ganis. And I saw a video for Hamcakeland, and I died a little inside, remembering how fun it was back then. I have a few questions other than how active it is. How does it work? Do you have to EARN BoA or can you just get it somehow? Same with leveling?

Edit: Also, this is kinda a noob question, but could I still play cata?
tamer said:
I'm thinking about it. How active is it? If I can help in anyway, I will. It's better to have people download something for free, than pay to xfer their twinks to Mal'Ganis. And I saw a video for Hamcakeland, and I died a little inside, remembering how fun it was back then. I have a few questions other than how active it is. How does it work? Do you have to EARN BoA or can you just get it somehow? Same with leveling?

its incredibly active there is warsong gulch going all the time, the most people I've seen on is 55. there is also rated arena and a rated WSG system with loads of cool rewards (though nothing that would tip the balance everything you win is novelty, meaning everyones on an even playing field).

you also start at level 19, and simply purchase all your gear from a vendor, there is NO custom gear EXCEPT helmets however they are just +15 stamina (same stats as fishing hat) with the skin of a cooler helmet (you actually collect all sorts of helms).

there are also events everyday :).

there are BoAs however the stats on the boas are not as OP as they are on retail since they got buffed when cata came.

PM me if you would like more info i'm happy to help :D. also if i get banned for posting this wall of text then QQ i just love real 19 twinks
tamer said:
I'm thinking about it. How active is it? If I can help in anyway, I will. It's better to have people download something for free, than pay to xfer their twinks to Mal'Ganis. And I saw a video for Hamcakeland, and I died a little inside, remembering how fun it was back then. I have a few questions other than how active it is. How does it work? Do you have to EARN BoA or can you just get it somehow? Same with leveling?

Edit: Also, this is kinda a noob question, but could I still play cata?

u can still play cata yes, its 2 different games and as u start u can just go to vendors, pick up glyphs gear and professions right away, bis in a few seconds. u get 10 characters per realm as usual so if u dont find a twink funny u could just delete it and make a new 1 its not much of a big deal as u can get all stuff real fast

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