old 49 Video need help!!


hey so was reminiscing a bit today and was watching some old 49 twink vids from back in the good ol days of 49 BC twinks. However, I ran into a huge problem! I couldn't find the old Jafarax video by far the best 49 warrior to play the game and his video was amazing anyone know where i could find it. ok thanks
not any on youtube or video google...not that ive heard of this guy. could try filefront or warcraftmovies i guess, gl
thanks ya i remember i had to download it before so its prolly on filefront somewhere... the guys from daggerspine on cyclone used to play with cordellia
strongly disagree jafarax not only held rank 1 in 2s and 3s on his main but destroyed the 49 bracket during his stint xD
r1 means nothing. not only are most top teams gotten by win trading and other nefarious schemes, the pvp situations dont translate down to 49.

also: go aerostrike#1vindijkworld

but if you think he's the best/enjoy the vids best of luck finding them

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