OK Guys and Gals, Drayner is Making Another Lock...


As some know, I am a veteran 19 Twink Lock maker. I have done 3-4 quality horde locks and in the last 6 months, a couple 19 alliance locks. Now my only level 19 lock is in Cyclone in Causa Mortis. (He's almost perfect, including 450/450) I leveled one of my old horde locks to 39 and a couple are sitting at 20. The other alliance lock was 20 earlier tonight, but now 23. :) He has 375 mining already, so I am going to make him a 39.

Well, the patch made the 19 twink bracket kinda broken. <CM> came to Cyclone from Nightfall for some actual competition. They left behind their alt twinks. Many of them are 39s. Since 19s are kinda broken now, we decided that we are going to delve into the 39 bracket in Cyclone now.

I am really happy with my horde 39 lock, but <CM> is alliance only. So, gotta make a new one. I have SoJ and 2 Underworlds already though.

Anyhow, the questions are...

  • Anything that an ally 39 lock can get that a horde can't? Special quest items, etc?
  • When can I get the neck? What level can I get in that instance?
  • What level can I get into Uldaman for the mindless runs for gloves?
  • Look at my horde lock, anything I should do different on this up and coming alliance lock?

Thanks in advance!

My lock is prolly one of the only stam/soul link locks you will see at 39, came up with this gear/spec back when they moved the lock talents around when wrath hit. I personally love it and after playing in the 29's for a few years as a full damage lock I must say this was a change for the better. I recently respecc'd and ran with 380 shadow damage as affliction and I can honestly say I do around the same dps as soul link for the sole reason I can survive longer. It also allows you to play the class to its fullest, plenty of time to get fears/cot's off and instead of just dotting everything in sight and then getting gibbed, you can stick around to actually make sure you finish on your target. If you want a change, I would highly recommend ditching the text book dot lock and trying this setup out.

The neck I believe you can start at 32, I'm sure it will say on wowhead what level you can get it at and Ulda is lvl 30.

Sword of Serenity a 1h sword is pretty much the only thing that alliance locks can get over horde locks as far as I know.
I believe you can start the neck series at 30, but can't finish until 35 or 37. Only other comment to add to Bandage's is to consider how you'll be using your lock when deciding how to build it. In a pug, I agree that Soul Link is probably competitive for the survival reason. In a premade, probably less so. Though it probably is more interesting to do an atypical build as a lock.
THanks guys. I think I am going to do a pure SD set and a "stam" set for harder pugs. I might play with the worldofpain build while I level to see how that goes. :)
Human warlock ftw, every man for himself rather than having to use a trinket is tits. 2 min cd and an extra trinket slot is good imo.

you can do the neck quest chain from start to finish at lvl 32 (although it would be pretty impossible to actually do solo at this level, have a buddy run you and you can do the whole thing at this level)

Revelosh runs at lvl 30...the obvious upgrade from your horde lock is rev gloves of healing over your black mageweave. Wouldnt be bad to snag eagles while youre at it.

Otherwise your dude is looking fine.

Oh you ever consider going 1h and maybe inscription OH? The sp would be lower but I LOVE the use on my priest and instant cast finisher on a lock seems pretty juicy. Since mining is out on a new one it could be a good secondary profession outside of Engineering (herbalism still good even at 300 tho)
You don't want to try something different? I have a 416 SP warlock at 39; while 200+ corruptions are sick and all I get bored because it's mostly a dot and drain fest. My paladin on the other hand is something completely different. Try making a healing class or a flag carrier, those can be very fun and satisfying in a premade. You're welcome to join The Knights of Cydonia on Stonemaul. I'll personally run you on my 80 end game druid if you're interested.
You know, I have considered trying another class. What is funny is that I have a level 72, 71, and level 70 feral druid, but on twinks, I enjoy lock play. I've done many 19 locks. I have played rogue, hunter, priest, pally, and druid at 19 as well. I only really enjoyed playing my lock. I don't like healing, it's boring to me. My 19 priest did more damage than healing. I didn't like running flags at 19, but at 49 on my warrior it wasn't that bad.

I choose locks because a) I enjoy them and b) I guess I am kinda afraid to try something I have no idea about. I also have a 70 locks too, but that account is cancelled most of the time.

So, I do have a 19 alliance hunter I can level up to 39. I also have a 32 Tranny Shaman. I dunno. Anyone have any thoughts?

Ps. So far, our CM team has a lock, hunter, healing pally, rogue. There are more, that's just what I know we have.
Alteffour said:
Human warlock ftw, every man for himself rather than having to use a trinket is tits. 2 min cd and an extra trinket slot is good imo.

Revelosh runs at lvl 30...the obvious upgrade from your horde lock is rev gloves of healing over your black mageweave. Wouldnt be bad to snag eagles while youre at it.

The gnome was already level 20 and has 375 mining already :)

Ugh... The healing gloves? Yeah.... I got plenty of eagles in my 50+ unsuccessful runs last week.
Alteffour said:
Oh you ever consider going 1h and maybe inscription OH? The sp would be lower but I LOVE the use on my priest and instant cast finisher on a lock seems pretty juicy. Since mining is out on a new one it could be a good secondary profession outside of Engineering (herbalism still good even at 300 tho)

Stormbound tome is no longer usable in this bracket:


(mouseover evidently is not updated, click the link and you can see it has a new level 50 requirement)

I am now thinking mage :)

Researching now. I kinda wanted to use a toon that I already had professions on though. Oh well. I should really try something new. On the other hand, I did a pretty pimp 49 warrior last year and hated it.

I have 2 Underworlds and a SoJ, Mages use those too huh?
I'm actually considering rolling a mage as well. I have so much +fire stuff sitting in the bank.
well thats some BS, took some effort getting inscription up without an herbalist at the time. twinking since wotlk has gotten really frustrating.
Drayner said:
I am now thinking mage :)

Researching now. I kinda wanted to use a toon that I already had professions on though. Oh well. I should really try something new. On the other hand, I did a pretty pimp 49 warrior last year and hated it.

I have 2 Underworlds and a SoJ, Mages use those too huh?

Holy dps priest? Huh what?


Trust me, its a blast.

You like dots (warlock)? Shadow Word: Pain and Devouring Plague tick for ~100.

You like direct damage spells (mage)? Holy Fire hits for low 500's with a 1.5 second cast, Smite hits for ~450 with a 2 second cast. Burst with Surge of Light procs can ammount to 1300 damage done from a single cast of Holy Fire.

Get the best of both worlds and roll a priest. You can even heal effectivaly (should you choose to do so HA!).
well, priests aren't as mobile of dps as mages, and their dots aren't as effective as warlocks.

holy priests are an incredible cookie cutter though, that's for sure.
Compairing Priests to mages is a futile effort. Holy Fire is on a Cd, as is one of their dots. The one happens to be dispellable by shamans and pallys (Priests?) as well. Mages can sheep whenever, Priests can Fear those near them(Cd). Priests can heal, mages can snare. Alot. Priests can dispell mages can Counterspell. Priests can fear ward, Mages can blink out of snares/roots.

Tbh theres to much difference to compare or say theres an overall advantage.

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