ok coming back to twinking

ok, i bought payement after i quit for a few months, done some stuff on my main, and it is fucking boring.. so started leveling a pala last week and it is lvl 56 now. than i saw a twink running around and i totally forgot about twinking.

so i wanna go back to twinking, i like to play healers, i played a druid for a few years so got some experience in druid twinking, also played pala and shammy at 19/29. what realm is the best to start twinking on atm?(i`m EU) i play on aggamaggan horde side or nordrassil ally side, but both of ehm are pretty dead.. so i would like some advice about what realm to go to, horde/ally don`t care really, and what healing class to play.

Kind Regards,

Kafefo(sorry for my typo and stuff)
kafefo said:
btw? why does it say angry at the start of my post?

Naw, don't worry. I made it super happy for you!

Draenor EU would be the optimal realm to go to for both factions. When it comes to healers both paladins and priests are generally considered overpowered while druids and shaman are underpowered. Generally in terms of OPness paladins>priests>druids>shaman. Priests and paladins both have powerful tools to get the job done. Druids have pretty decent tools but crucially lack an effective flash heal, regrowth is just too expensive and hits like a damp fish. Shaman simply lack a flash heal completely. This means druids struggle to cope with heavy damage or damage on multiple targets and shaman just can't at all.
both priest specs are good for healing, and disc is also decent for damage, holy pally also has pretty powerful heals and exo spam is mana consuming, but good damage nonetheless, stay away from resto shaman healing...you can KINDA make it work, but it is bad in comparison to priest/holy pally heals....i cant really comment on druid healing as i havent seen enough in BG's to talk about them
I wouldn't put my life in the hands of Resto Druid, maybe as a supporting healer but never a primary.
and can i play a healer without heirlooms?

any info about druids would be nice, cuz i always loved to play my druid

Kind regards
kafefo said:
and can i play a healer without heirlooms?

any info about druids would be nice, cuz i always loved to play my druid

Kind regards

Healer without heirlooms is missing A LOT of spellpower. This will soon be remedied though when 4.1 drops you can buy justice point with honor, so you will be able to farm your own heirlooms.

I feel ya on the loving druids bit. I've had a druid main since vanilla and hurried to make a 19 before the shattering wiped all the old quest items. Balance is the best role for a druid atm imo, it's a great spec for support, you put out a lot of damage and still have pretty powerful offheals. Survivability leaves something to be desired, but you can compensate for that by running with a team.

I love the class and it's a ton of fun to play, it just takes a bit to get used to it.

If you do decide on druid Kore made a great guide that you can find in the 19 guide section of this forum.
hehe thanks riv, so Balance is the way to go now? is playing druid a lot different than before cata?

gonna level one char to 85 anyways, atleast i have always got gold and justice points and stuf than.

kind regards.
Yes, tons different. There are different dps output routes. Balance hits like a truck with 1K Starsurges. I roll Feral DPS and use both Resto/Feral Tank sets.

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